she is an assistant professorvsshe is a assistant professor The correct phrase is "she is an assistant professor." The use of the indefinite article "an" before "assistant professor" is necessary because the word "assistant" begins with a vowel sound. Using the article "a" is incorrect in...
在北美大学获得助理教授(Assistant Professor)职位,对于许多学者来说是既令人兴奋又充满挑战的体验。助理...
星期二reference check,星期三发邮件暗示了offer,约定了通话,星期四按照约定通话,口头交流offer,通话结...
Assistant Professor vs. Associate Professor: Key Differences How to Become a University Lecturer (The Ultimate Guide)Explore more articles Physician Assistant vs. Nurse Practitioner (With Definition) What Is a DUNS Number and How Do You Get One for a Business? What Is Management Accounting? (With...
再说两句academia vs industry。这是个学术自由和钱之间的取舍。每个人的priorities和取舍是不一样的。我们行业PhD刚毕业去业界最多只会有5%的时间可以做自己的projects,而5%对我来说是不可接受的。另一方面,对我来说一个faculty position如果不能保证我有至少40-50%的时间做我想做的research(这取决于position是hard...
Shan Huang's biography, research, talks, and teaching. She is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong.
vs Enter second location Compare How much do similar professions get paid in Australia? Adjunct Professor Job openings Average $93.06 per hour Assistant Professor Job openings Average $108,124 per year Associate Professor Job openings Average $162,243 per year ...
In most fields of the humanities and social sciences, a sole-authored monograph is the primary criterion for tenure. Getting your book done in time for tenure review is the leading source of stress for new assistant professors. You can do it, but it takes advance planning and organization. ...
Start your class by letting students know how you’d like to be addressed. One professor shares their guidelines for using academic titles in student communications.
Walter L. Larimore, MD, Clinical Instructor, IHI Medical Family Residency;Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Family Medicine, University of Colorado Health Services Center, Denver, CO Juan S. Lebron, Graduate Student, Department of Physics, University ofPuerto Rico, RioPiedras, Puerto Rico ...