机构:Tohoku University 职位:Professor,General Co-Chair 演讲嘉宾简历: Shuji Tanaka received B.E., M.E. and Dr.E. degrees in mechanical engineering from The University of Tokyo in 1994, 1996 and 1999, respectively, and joined Tohoku University as Research Associate. Since then, he is a facult...
Materials Research, Tohoku University (concurrently serving as Professor at School of Engineering, University of Tokyo and Senior Researcher [...] 东北大学原子分子材料科学高等研究机构的几原龙雄一教 授 (兼 任 东京 大学大学字工学系研究科附属综合研究机构 教 授、 财团 法人精细陶瓷...
Share Keisho Tsukamoto, a Professor Emeritus at Tohoku University, is a specialist in Indology and the history of BuddhismKanak Baran Barua
D Researchers led by Associate Professor Naoto Hirano from Tohoku University have discovered a new petit-spot volcano(次点火山)at the oldest section of the Pacific Plate.Petit-spot volcanoes are a relatively new phenomenon on Earth. They are young, small volcanoes that come about along cracks fro...
摘要: Professor Yoshikazu Toyoshima : A Chronology and a List of the Published Works (Special Issue in Honor of Professor Yoshikazu Toyoshima) Toyoshima Yoshikazu Annual report of the Economic Society,Tohoku University 58(4), 683-687, 1997-01-13...
FUKUDA, TakamitsuAssociate ProfessorOsaka University - Department of Chemistry 个人简介 Tohoku University Faculty of Science Faculty of Chemistry Graduated 1999.03 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Department of Chemistry Completed 2001.03 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of...
by Zepeda2,Professor ofConsumerScienceandChair of Development Studies at the University [...] 根據 威斯康辛-麥迪遜大學消費科學教授及 發展研究主 任 Zepeda2進 行的一項研究,鑒於 成員國意見紛 紜,在未來數 年內不 大可能會達成 共識。 [...] Intel Corporation and an associateprofessorofOregon HealthandScienceUniversity. Currently, he is appointed by the Chinese AcademyofSciencesasaprofessorandan instructor of doctorate students. ...
Materials Research, Tohoku University (concurrently servingasProfessoratSchoolof Engineering,University of Tokyo and Senior Researcher at Japan Fine [...] 东北大学原子分子材料科学高等研究机构的几原龙雄一教授(兼任东京大学大学字工学系研究科附属综合研究机构教授、财团法人精细陶瓷... A research group ledbyProfessorKeiichi Edamatsu and ResearchFellowKaneda of Research Institute of Electrical Communication, [...] 东北大学电气通信研究所枝松圭一教授、金田文宽研究员等的研究小组,在世界上首次成功进行了将量子通信、量子计算不可缺少...