After five and a half minutes, the Sorting Hat, which had been vacillating between the houses of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, placed Minerva in the latter. (In later years, this circumstance was a subject of gentle humour between Minerva and her colleague Filius Flitwick, over whom the Sorting Ha...
House: Ravenclaw Wand: 10.8 inches, mahogany, unicorn hair (from a male) Patronus: Peacock Boggart: Himself, with pimples and/or a bad hair day APPEARANCE: Eyes: Blue Hair: Dark blonde Height: 186 centimeters or 6 feet, 1.5 inches Build: Slim with a small amount of muscle tone PERSONAL...
Pomona Sprout was hardworking, kind, loyal and made a truly superb Head of Hufflepuff. We explore the many reasons why she was the perfect leader of this brilliant, if sometimes underestimated, house.
Monday, September 26th marks Professor Quirinus Quirrell's birthday, as confirmed by J.K. Rowling via her site Pottermore. Quirrell, a Half-blood, was sorted into Ravenclaw House in Hogwarts as a child, and had an affinity for theoretical aspects of the Dark Arts, though not quite as profic...
Monday, September 26th marks Professor Quirinus Quirrell's birthday, as confirmed by J.K. Rowling via her site Pottermore. Quirrell, a Half-blood, was sorted into Ravenclaw House in Hogwarts as a child, and had an affinity for theoretical aspects of the Dark Arts, though not quite as profic...
Which Hogwarts House do you belong in? Slytherin Slytherin Ravenclaw Ravenclaw Gryffindor Gryffindor Hufflepuff HufflepuffWhat do you think? 274 WIN 230 CUTE 125 LOL 111 FAIL 66 OMG 58 WTF CommentsBe One of the First to Comment Top Comment katem405562d9c 4 years ago As long...
Minerva drew unusual attention to herself on her very first evening, when she was revealed to be a Hatstall. After five and a half minutes, the Sorting Hat, which had been vacillating between the houses of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, placed Minerva in the latter. (In later years, this circums...
Minerva drew unusual attention to herself on her very first evening, when she was revealed to be a Hatstall. After five and a half minutes, the Sorting Hat, which had been vacillating between the houses of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, placed Minerva in the latter. (In later years, this circums...
After five and a half minutes, the Sorting Hat, which had been vacillating between the houses of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, placed Minerva in the latter. (In later years, this circumstance was a subject of gentle humour between Minerva and her colleague Filius Flitwick, over whom the Sorting ...