Philosophy of Economics: On the Scope of Reason in Economic Inquiry (1989) Apropos *Philosophy of Economics* On the plagiarism by Amartya Sen of my work (and that of others especially T. W. Schultz) Science, Religion, Art & the Necessity of Freedom (2004) The 1982 Subroto Roy Critique ...
And of course it was generally a splendid occasion and there were things that the organisers of Indian military parades could have and should have learnt from it. But there were two sources of disquietude. Did anyone but myself notice that Dr Manmohan Singh had been placed on the left ...
Science, Religion, Art & the Necessity of Freedom (2004) The 1982 Subroto Roy Critique of the KJ Arrow Amartya Sen “social choice” theory, plus the FA Hayek and IJ Good comments, plus the 1989 chapter from *Philosophy of Economics* “Remarks on the Foundations of Welfare Economics” A ...