The Treaty of Versailles long predated (1) Mohammad Iqbal’s Allahabad Address which conceptualised for the first time in the 20th Century a Muslim State in Northwest India; (2) Rahmat Ali’s invention of the word “PAKSTAN” on the top floor of a London omnibus; (3) M. A. Jinnah ...
Dr Zakir Hussain Drama Durand Line Dwight D. Eisenhower Dynamic competition East Turkestan Economic inequality Economic Policy Economic quackery Economic Theory Economic Theory of Growth Economic Theory of Interest Economic Theory of Value Economics and Energy Economics of education Ec...
Dr Zakir Hussain Drama Durand Line Dwight D. Eisenhower Dynamic competition East Turkestan Economic inequality Economic Policy Economic quackery Economic Theory Economic Theory of Growth Economic Theory of Interest Economic Theory of Value Economics and Energy Economics of education Ec...
The Treaty of Versailles long predated (1) Mohammad Iqbal’s Allahabad Address which conceptualised for the first time in the 20th Century a Muslim State in Northwest India; (2) Rahmat Ali’s invention of the word “PAKSTAN” on the top floor of a London omnibus; (3) M. A. Jinnah ...
June 8, 2015 — drsubrotoroy How the India-Bangladesh Enclaves Problem Was Jump-Started in 2007 Towards its 2015 Solution: A Case Study of Academic Impact on Policy by Subroto Roy, with Brendan Whyte Progress on the complex problem of India-Bangladesh enclaves started slightly in 1958 and ...
1 May 2020 Statement of Dr. Subroto Roy, Economist & Citizen, Proposing PM Narendra Modi & Home Minister Amit Shah Apologize to India’s People, Create Remedy, and Resign to Do Prayaschit/Atonement; 9 May: A New Cabinet for President Kovind May 1, 2020 Critique of Monetary Ideas of ...
The Treaty of Versailles long predated (1) Mohammad Iqbal’s Allahabad Address which conceptualised for the first time in the 20th Century a Muslim State in Northwest India; (2) Rahmat Ali’s invention of the word “PAKSTAN” on the top floor of a London omnibus; (3) M. A. Jinnah ...
I had a chance of visiting Gurdawara Panja Sahib in precious company of Dr. Ali Ahmed Kharal who is a world renowned educationist and author of a research book ‘Humanism & Pakistani English Novel’. Gurdawara Panja Sahib is no doubt a majestic building with a unique historical background ...
“We will strive to build a society imbued with what Iqbal described as the spirit of modern times..” As someone who created at great personal cost at an American university twenty years ago the book Foundations of Pakistan’s Political Economy: Towards an Agenda for the 1990s, I have a ...
December 10, 2009 — drsubrotoroy From Facebook: Subroto Roy found this an extraordinarily thoughtful and profound speech, which, apart from its reference to “climate change”, is likely to go down as historic — not least for its restoration of “just war” theory & the canons of inte...