W. Lu, W.-M. Kwok, C. Ma, C. T.-L. Chan, M.- X. Zhu, C.-M. Che, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 14120.
Working together with Professors Pierre Braunstein, Chi-Ming Che, Guo-Xin Jin, Fuwei Li and Yun Zong, Chemistry - An Asian Journal assembled 56 excellent contributions in this special collection to celebrate the 65th birthday of Prof. Andy Hor (A*STAR, Singapore)....
Dr. Chi-Ming Che’s group in The University of Hong Kong and earned his Ph.D. degree in 2010. His Ph.D. research focused on organic catalysis and organometallic chemistry. He continued postdoctoral study in Prof. Che’s group in the University of Hong Kong and in Prof. Dr. Carlos F....
Co-investigator(s): Dr Seneviratne Chaminda Jayampath, Dr Juan Vizcaino, Emeritus Professor Samaranayake Lakshman Perera, Professor Che Chi Ming, Dr Egusa Hiroshi Project Title: Lipoteichoic acid (LTA) of pathogenic Enterococcus faecalis modulates the functional characteristics of osteoblasts and ...
CONFERENCESELECTEDQiyang Zhang, Xiang Li, Xiangying Che, Xiao Ma, Ao Zhou, Mengwei Xu, Shangguang Wang, Yun Ma, Xuanzhe Liu Download From Cloud to Edge: A First Look at Public Edge Platforms Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2021) , November 2-4 ( Virtual...
(M. Chemillier-Gendreau, Professor Emeritus, University of Paris VII); “Protecting general interests in the international community” (general course) (G. Gaja, Professor, University of Florence); “Developments in United Nations peacekeeping operations” (J. Cardona Lorens, Professor, University ...
(M. Chemillier-Gendreau, Professor Emeritus,UniversityofParis VII); “Protecting general interestsintheinternational community” (general course) (G. Gaja,Professor,UniversityofFlorence); “Developments in United Nations peacekeeping operations” (J. Cardona Lorens, Professor, University of Valencia); ...
(Cover highlight) Bo-An Chen, Jin-Tai Lin, Nian-Tzu Suen, Che-Wei Tsao, Tzu-Chi Chu, Ying-Ya Hsu, Ting-Shan Chan, Yi-Tsu Chan, Jye-Shane Yang, Ching-Wen Chiu, Hao Ming Chen*, “In Situ Identification of Photo- and Moisture-Dependent Phase Evolution of Perovskite Solar Cell” ...
CHI ’16. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10/b2pj. Ketzler, Bernd, Vasilis Naserentin, Fabio Latino, Christopher Zangelidis, Liane Thuvander, and Anders Logg. 2020. “Digital Twins for Cities: A State of the Art Review.” Built Environment 46 ...
To the third branch:Jianche(ST6),Yingxiang(LI20) 1. 3 落枕(斜方肌痉挛) 1. 3 Stiff neck 治则:调气活血、疏通经络。 Principle: Regulate Qi and activate blood, Regulate and clear the meridian 配方:风池、完骨、天柱、颈椎夹脊刺、绝骨、后溪。 Prescription:Fengchi(GB20),Wangu(GB12),Tianzhu(...