professions for women的主题思想 Professions for Women是英国女作家Virginia Woolf在妇女服务同盟会(伦敦职业妇女组织)上宣读的一篇论文。Woolf倡导女权主义,伍尔芙极力倡导女权主义,她认为现代小说应该着力描写人的内心世界,人内心世界的刻画能够表达深层次的问题,而不是纯粹描写现实的生活。维多利亚时代以来在英国文坛盛行...
《Professions for Women》是英国女作家Virginia Woolf(弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫)的一篇重要作品,其写作特色主要体现在以下几个方面: 一、第一人称叙述的亲切性 伍尔夫在文章中运用了第一人称进行叙述,这种叙述方式极大地缩短了与读者之间的距离,使读者仿佛身临其境,能够更直接地感受到作者的情感和思考。这种亲切性使得文章更具...
“Professions for Women” is an abbreviated version of the speech Virginia Woolf delivered before a branch of the National Society for Women’s Service on January 21, 1931; it was published posthumously in The Death of the Moth and Other Essays. On the day before the speech, she wrote...
Professions for Women 女性的职业By Virginia Woolf文/ 弗吉尼娅·伍尔夫 译 / 王鑫昊When your secretary invited me to come here, she told me that your Society is concerned with the employment of women and she suggested that I might tell you something about my own professional experiences. It is...
“Professions for Women” is an abbreviated version of the speech Virginia Woolf delivered before a branch of the National Society for Women’s Service on January 21, 1931; it was published posthumously in The Death of the Moth and Other Essays. On the day before the speech, she wrote in ...
Woolf suffered from mental instability, which ultimately led to her tragic death by drowning in 1942.In summary, Virginia Woolf’s writing of “Professions for Women” was influenced by her personal and educational background, her role within the Bloomsbury group, her broader literary ...
1、Professions for Women,Virginia Woolf,Discussions,What are the differences between men and women?,Men -are strong and independent - have an aggressive nature - seldom express feelings - are daring - are not excited by trivial matters - are more likely to “explode like a volcano” - make ...
内容提示: 高级英语 1 课程讲稿 Unit Four Professions for Women Virginia Woolf About Virginia Woolf British author who made an original contribution to the form of the novel - also distinguished feminist essayist, critic in The Times Literary Supplement, and a central figure of Bloomsbury group. ...
Professions for Women英文美文 by Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) Born in England, Virginia Woolf was the daughter of Leslie Stephen, a well-known scholar. She was educated primarily at home and attributed her love of reading to the early and complete access she was given to her father’s library...