Owen Hart wrestled around the world before joining the WWF, where he took part in bouts under his real name and as The Blue Blazer. He was from a family of wrestlers, including his brother Bret. Owen and Bret faced off numerous times throughout their careers. Hart joined the WWE's fo...
Dig Deeper 11 Professional Wrestlers Who Met Tragic Ends Also ranks #40 on Professional Wrestlers with the Best Stage Names Also ranks #46 on The Best Pro Wrestling Champions Photo: Metaweb (FB) GNU Free Documentation License Luna Vachon Luna Vachon, born Gertrude Vachon, is remembered for her...
Several wrestlers have become legends, not only within the community but as part of global pop culture. Their charisma and athletic prowess have made professional wrestling a compelling spectacle: Hulk Hogan Perhaps the most recognizable wrestler worldwide, Hogan helped Wrestling gain mainstream acceptanc...
Several wrestlers have become legends, not only within the community but as part of global pop culture. Their charisma and athletic prowess have made professional wrestling a compelling spectacle: Hulk Hogan Perhaps the most recognizable wrestler worldwide, Hogan helped Wrestling gain mainstream acceptanc...
Unlike most wrestlers who act, Captain Lou Albano didn't find much work in feature films. He had some small roles in movies likeWise GuysandBody Slam, but his real success was on the small screen, starring in 65 episodes ofThe Super Mario Bros. Super Show!as the titular video game plumb...
s considered one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step in the ring. Finally, Jay White proves why he was considered to step up in place of Kenny Omega when he left NJPW. In my opinion, Jay White is a better heel and better wrestler than Maxwell Jacob Friedman. I don’t know if ...
New DC Comics fan art depicts members of theBat-Familylike they've never been seen before, entering the ring as professional wrestlers! This incredible fan art series on Twitter has been titled "Bats in the Ring," and the collected pieces of art tell an amazing narrative that depictsNightwing...
Professional Wrestlers with the Best Stage NamesTRENDING TODAY 32 Entitled People Who Deserve An Award For Their Ignorance Facts About The Terri Schiavo "Death With Dignity" Controversy People Share Their Real Life 'When You See It' Moments Baffling Medical Mysteries That Defy All Logic Unexplained...