ProfessionalEthics(英文版)(ppt 47页)WhatareEthics?Ethicscanbedefinedbroadlyasasetofmoralprinciplesorvalues.Eachofushassuchasetofvalues.Wemayormaynothaveconsideredthemexplicitly.NeedforEthics Ethicalbehaviorisnecessaryforasocietytofunctioninanorderlymanner.Theneedforethicsinsocietyissufficientlyimportantthatmany...
Professional Ethics PPT
1、4 - 1Professional EthicsChapter 44 - 2What are Ethics?Ethics can be defined broadly asa set of moral principles or valuesEach of us has such a set of values.We may or may not haveconsidered them explicitly.4 - 3Need for EthicsEthical behavior is necessary for a societyto function in...
Teacher must follow some code of ethics to become a great and successful teacher. Read this excerpt to know the ethics for teachers. – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 888f92-ZmY1M
Unethical vs. Illegal There is a difference between something that is illegal vs. unethical. For some people, the law is their code of ethics— if it’s legal, then it’s ethical. Many laws governing business practices are never enforced—one can violate these laws rather safely, often to...
Professional Standards BOS 16professionalstandards • The greatest amount of the highest quality information • At the lowest possible cost for our client • With the highest standards of professional conduct (and tradeoffs will always be resolved in favor of business ethics over data collection ...
Statement of Ethical Principles Ethics- Behavior conforming to the standards of conduct of a given profession or group Planning the study 1. The educator carries out the investigation with respect and concern for the dignity and welfare of the people who participate and with the cognizance of the...
* IAC Chapter 25 outlines a system of moral principles or values for the Iowa educational profession. * The BOEE defines the ethics component of the educational profession through standards. The code of professional conduct and ethics constitutes mandatory minimum standards of practice for all ...
3-A Universal Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants… 热度: CodeofEthics for ProfessionalAccountants ofHKICPA Lecturer AriesWong B.B.A.,M.Sc.,M.Phil.,CFA,CPA Homepage: