10 Professional Synonyms for “Thank You for Your Kind Words” Alex Velikiy March 5, 2024 How to Ask About Your Job Application Status After an Interview (With Email Examples) Slava Velikiy May 3, 2024 9 Professional Ways to Say “I Look Forward to It” in an Email Slava Velikiy March...
Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. professional life- a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities business life calling,career,vocation- the particular occupation for which you are trained ...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Adj.1.nonprofessional- not professional; not engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or for gain; "the nonprofessional wives of his male colleagues"; "nonprofessional actors" ...
通常的表现为 以Dear XXX开头,以best regards 和太多的感谢词结尾。尤其是在邮件结尾处的时候,thank you完了,还要thanks again,完了之后还要I really appreciate it。虽说咱们得传统是礼多人不怪,但是太多礼了。(碎碎念:被人吐槽过我邮件礼貌到让人尴尬) 另一种情况则是完全相反的。大家现在看美剧也好,看原版小...
I hope this email finds you well.I just wanted to follow upon my previous message regarding the marketing meeting next week. Are you available to discuss the agenda and confirm your attendance? Looking forward to your response. Best regards, ...
Inotherwords, emailsthatyousendforworkpurposesshouldbeeasytoreadandtheyshouldgetthejobdone. Whetherthejoboftheemailistoinform, negotiate, propose, ormakearequest.换句话说,您为工作目的发送的电子邮件应易于阅读,并能完成工作。无论电子邮件的任务是通知、谈判、建议还是提出请求。Unlikeemailstofriendsandfamily,...
What works for you may not work for someone else, and that’s perfectly fine. Embrace the idea that there’s no universal path to happiness or success. This perspective aligns with Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something ...
Big Words 我有时候也不知道咋了,就特别爱炫技……新学个词就喜欢用起来,后来发现……根本没人这么用。语言这个东西,简单明了易懂才是王道。当然了,除非你是撰写什么legal document,那就是另一回事了。 照猫画虎 如果你平时有和外国友人(教授,老板,同事,客户)有经常性的邮件往来,那么就仔细学习对方写邮件的方式...
Your choice of words and the phrases that you use can affect what customers and your colleagues think of you.和顾客、老板或者是同事面对面交谈可能会有点点难度,尤其是当你正在处理一些问题或者是复杂的情况的时候。你的措辞能够影响顾客和同事对你的看法。So, if you speak English as a second or a ...
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