The professional tax is a state tax, and the tax rates vary from state to state. Down below, we have dedicated state-wise pages with state-specific information and references. Just like the income tax, the professional tax is linked to the income slabs. It is deducted at the source by ...
Tax Deduction Employers are required to deduct professional tax from the salaries or wages of their employees as per the applicable tax rates. This deduction should be made at the time of payment and by the relevant tax laws and regulations Timely Payment Employers are responsible for ensuring tha...
"APAI, WB" stands for Association of Professional Academic Institutions, West Bengal, a registered body, established in 2005. We are the sole representatives of all the self-financed Engineering & Technological institutions in West Bengal. APAI interacts with the three different authorities viz. AICTE...
A study on professional competency in relation to self-efficacy of Madrasa teachers inWest Bengal. International Journal for Research in Education, 3[4]: 26-30.Pan, A. 2014. A study on professional competency in relation to self-efficacy of Madrasa teachers inWest Bengal. International Journal...
close to where mortgage rates would be today with normally functioning mortgage markets….Lower interest rates will mean higher overall house prices…” Yale’s Jonathan Koppell and William Goetzmann have argued very similarly the Treasury “could offer to refinance all mortgages issued in the past ...
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