1.Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Double Type Teachers Specialty Standard;“双师型”教师专业标准的解构与重构 2.Implications of NBPTS standards for the establishment of professional standards for teachers in China;浅析NBPTS标准对制订我国教师专业标准的启示 3.Reflections on Early Childhood Generalist Sta...
1) professional standards for teachers 教师专业标准1. Form The Professional Standards for Teacher Pilot 2002,we can draw some lessons which would be beneficial to set up and implement our professional standards for teachers. 2002年,澳大利亚昆士兰州制定了该州的教师专业标准,并进行了为期6个月的试点...
whichoutlinewhatteachersshouldknowandbeabletodoThestandardsareinterconnected,interdependentandoverlapping TheStandardsaregroupedintothreedomainsofteaching:ProfessionalKnowledge,ProfessionalPracticeandProfessionalEngagementIn practice, teaching draws on aspects of al l three domains Within each Standard, focus areas ...
ProfessionalstandardsforteachersintheUnitedStates A,theoutstandingcharacteristicsofpreschoolteacher'sprofessionalstandardsAmericanoutstandingpreschoolteacher'sprofessionalstandards(hereinafterreferredtoas"standard"),isbytheprofessionalstandardscommitteeofthenationalteaching(NBPTS),thetextshouldreachtooutstandingpreschoolteacherspro...
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Carlton, VIC: Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA).Nelson, J. 2013. The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers : are...
Professional Standard for Teachers in England is one of the most mature teacher professional standards among all. 英国现行教师专业标准是当前比较成熟的教师专业标准之一。 www.fabiao.net 2. Teacher professional standards in determining the direction of the professional development of teachers, the fundamenta...
There are two most important purposes of professional standards for teacher , one is to produce more effective method for professional study , the other is to build more valid assessment system to evaluate performances of teachers. The responsibility of teacher professional standards and certification ...
Professional Standard for Teachers in England is one of the most mature teacher professional standards among all. 英国现行教师专业标准是当前比较成熟的教师专业标准之一。 www.fabiao.net 4. The bulk of publicly available media is now created by people who understand little of the professional standards...
Most recently in England this has resulted in the Teachers' Standards (DfE, 2012b), and in Scotland the Professional Standards for Teachers comprising of The Standards for Registration (GTCS, 2012h), The Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning (GTCS, 2012f), and The Standards for ...
The paper describes conceptual approaches to the assessment of ICT competency in teachers following requirements of the professional standard for teachers. It provides an analysis of the existing approaches. ICT competency is considered as a teacher's ability to plan, organize and implement teaching/lea...