All the questions covered in sample practice exam are basic Professional Scrum Product Owner II Certification exam questions. To test your knowledge and understanding with the real-time case study based questions, we strongly recommend you to practice with our Premium PSPO 2 pr...
Begin your agile journey to Professional Scrum Product Owner II Certification (PSPO II) 4. Is the PSPO I course only for software developers? Not necessarily. Each course has attendees from a variety of backgrounds, including from non-software fields. The instructor will cover product development...
All participants completing the Professional Scrum Product Owner - Advanced course will receive a password to attempt the Professional Scrum Product Owner II (PSPO II) assessment. The industry-recognized PSPO II certification requires a minimum passing score of 85%. PSPO-A class participants who at...
Become a strategic product leader with the Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO-I) course. This training teaches you how to manage product backlogs, prioritize work, and deliver customer value efficiently. Whether you're just starting or refining your skills, PSPO-I training inIndia, Singapore...
Get included in the global Professional Scrum Product Owner database. After some years of experience and self-study, you can take the next step by obtaining the PSPO II certificate.What else should I know?After registering for the PSPO training, you will receive a confirmation email with prac...
Le carnet de produit est le carburant alimentant l’équipe de développement, et un des premiers rôles du Scrum Product Owner est d’assurer sa gestion. Dans cette partie, vous apprendrez tout sur les scénarios utilisateurs, sur les stratégies d’ordonnancement et d’organisation...
Leading training providers in India for Agile, Scrum and Project Management courses. Offers 100% guaranteed quality training and certification.
Professional Product Owner, The: Leveraging Scrum as a Competitive AdvantageRalph Jocham
Take your product ownership skills to the next level with the Professional Scrum Product Owner – Advanced (PSPO-A) course. This advanced training focuses on complex product management strategies, value delivery, and decision-making in agile frameworks. Enroll in PSPO-A training inIndia, Singapore...
The Professional Scrum Product Owner – Advanced (PSPO-A) course focuses on helping experienced practitioners expand their ability to establish a solid vision, validate their hypotheses, and ultimately deliver more value to their stakeholders. The PSPO-A course is intended for Product Owners who are...