Get Professional Scrum Master™ Certified and demonstrate the fundamental level of Scrum mastery. Enroll 2-days PSM™ workshop from In Australia
一、先放证书 二、备考经过 关于敏捷资格认证各类比较,总结一下,http://Scrum.org的PSM I作为敏捷入门认证考试,非常不错,含金量高,费用不高,且一次付费,终生不需要续费,性价比挺高 2.1 考试要求 60分钟80道题目,时间非常紧,题型有:单选、多选、判断。85%的题目通过,才能获得证书,也就是说只能错12题,还是有一...
1) Scrum Master A Scrum Master is a key member of a scrum team. Scrum Masters ensure that all the Scrum events are being followed, and they coach the team in Agile and Scrum practices. A Scrum Master will benefit a lot from a PSM certification. Become a key player in your organizat...
PSM-A is a 2-day advanced Scrum Master course that helps Scrum Masters gain the PSM-A credential and also develop new skills and enhance their existing ones. Get certified by industry experts. In India
刚刚考过了http://Scrum.org的PSM I,记录一下备考经过和考试经验,给准备考试的同志一点帮助~ 备考周期:2周 费用:考试费150美元,题库费若干 备考经过: 首先,想考Scrum Master都会面临一个考哪个认证的问题,主流认证有两个:http://Scrum.org的Professional Scrum Master和Scrum Alliance的Certified Scrum Master。
http://Scrum.org由 Scrum 的联合创始人 Ken Schwaber 创立,旨在帮助人们和团队解决复杂的问题,通过基于特定能力模型的培训课程、认证和持续学习,来帮助人们应用专业 Scrum。 Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM) 是一门基于活动的交互式课程,学员在课程中能深入了解专业 Scrum 和 Scrum Master 的职责,并通过讨论和...
1.Whatshouldthedevelopersdowhentheyhavetroubledeliveringanitem,becausethey don'tunderstandit? a.Completeasmuchoftheitemaspossible,anduseitintheSprintReviewmeetingtocreate abetterunderstandingofwhatisneeded. b.AsktheScrumMastertoremovethisimpediment.
根据2022年全球敏捷状态报告,Scrum的应用占比已经达到87%。 由 Scrum 的联合创始人 Ken Schwaber 创立,旨在帮助人们和团队解决复杂的问题,通过基于特定能力模型的培训课程、认证和持续学习,来帮助人们应用专业 Scrum。Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM) 是一门基于活动的交互式课程,学员在课程中能深入...
PSM I Professional Scrum Master I认证真题题库C版 (附答案和解析-见文末)1.Which two statements are correct about Daily Scrums?a. It's facilitated by the Scrum Master.b. Developers must answer the 3 standard questions during the meeting.c. It's held at the same time and place every day...
PSM I Professional Scrum Master I认证真题题E版 (附答案和解析-见文末)1.What should the developers do when they have trouble delivering an item, because they don't understand it?a. Complete as much of the item as possible, and use it in the Sprint Review meeting to create a better ...