Professional regulatory bodiesProtection of the publicInternational variationCompetenceIndependent public bodyProfessional nursing regulatory bodies, in many parts of the world, make clear reference to their duty to protect the public. Interestingly, data made public on the Nursing and Midwifery Council's ...
In the UK, the 'fitness to practice' criteria that allow regulatory bodies to use health standards to restrict entry to the human professions have resulted in some disabled people being excluded from this workforce. Disclosure of disability is therefore a risky process for those aiming to practice...
We strongly believe in R&D and are committed to the continuous development of high-quality professional products. Our R&D projects are supported by the European Union and other international bodies. The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and the European Union ERDF funds have...
We strongly believe in R&D and are committed to the continuous development of high-quality professional products. Our R&D projects are supported by the European Union and other international bodies. The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and the European Union ERDF funds have...
Not all accountancy and book-keeping professionals will be chartered. Nor are they members of one of the UK's professional or regulatory bodies. As such, not all professionals are required to take out accountants' professional indemnity insurance to do their job. If you are a chartered ...
How to become an ICAEW Chartered AccountantMembers of other bodies Partners in Learning ACA for employers Train the next generation of chartered accountants in your business or organisation. Discover how your organisation can attract, train and retain the best accountancy talent, how to become author...
In recent years regulatory bodies including the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) have issued documents highlighting the importance of professional scepticism in an audit of financial statements. The objective...
The study comprises several distinct phases, including a web audit of NHS trusts and examination of disciplinary policies and practices through workshops with human resources managers and representatives of health profession regulatory bodies alongside workshops with service managers to validate study ...
. The proposed changes have been reviewed and approved by our public interest oversight boards and lead regulators, after consideration of the market insight and feedback,’he adds. ‘The new requirements are simpler, more practical and align more closely with other professional accountancy bodies....
Our professional discipline lawyers can advise and defend you if you are facing (or are at risk of facing) a regulatory investigation or prosecution.