, Critical readings in teacher education: Provoking absences (pp. 79–98). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Google Scholar Mayer, D., Mitchell, J., Macdonald, D., & Bell, R. (2005). Professional standards for teachers: A case study of professional learning. Asia Pacific ...
Resources for the teacher librarian.(PROFESSIONAL READING)(Recommended readings)
Zero downtime database migrations (code examples are using Rails but this works great for any programming language) Algorithms Behind Modern Storage Systems, ACM Queue Let's Build a Simple Database Readings in Database Systems, 5th Edition Comparing database types: how database types evolved to ...
The aim of the study was to investigate the role of professional identity as a moderator in the relationship between the teachers’ collective responsibilities and the school improvement perspective. Data were collected from 922 teachers employed at primary, secondary, and high schools in Türkiye and...
The additional cycle that promotes 'learning about learning' is a welcome reminder that we, as teachers, must promote thinking skills. During lesson observations of experienced colleagues, assemblies and leadership meetings, I heard the following phrases: ... think about that for a minute; ...
for young children wants to offer services, but the therapists would have to speak Chinese, which has many variants. In the interim, the CEO seeks an SLT to train or share basic info to the current teachers/paraprofessionals who have worked with disabled children for years (very experienced ...
They are uneducated, in the fullest sense of the word, and they certainly are no advertisement for the claims of science teachers. — Anthony Standen In Science is a Sacred Cow (1950), 18-19. Science quotes on: | Advertisement (16) | Atom (381) | Certain (557) | Certainly (185) |...
For example, are teachers regarded as autonomous, as implementers aligning their instruction with external and predetermined goals and practices, or as something in between? There is no doubt as to the topicality of teachers’ professional agency in discussions of workplace learning (Eteläpelto, ...
Contemporary schools seek to employ teachers who are curious learners, who can employ practitioner inquiry skills to investigate, inform and grow their own
A further goal was to solicit teachers' and principals’ feedback on effective components of the model and suggestions for revisions. 1. Professional development: an argument for evidence-based practices Research on PD demonstrates its value in building teachers’ self-efficacy and in promoting a ...