Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL 5; Stamm, 2009). The ProQOL 5 is the most current revision of the original ProQOL, which originated from the Compassion Fatigue Self-Test developed by Figley (1995). The ProQOL 5 is broken down into three subscales: Compassion Satisfaction, Burnout,...
我避免某些活动或情况因为它们让我想起我所护理的患者的可怕经历 专业生活品质量表ProfessionalQualityofLifeScalePROQOL慈心 专业生活品质量表Professional Quality of Life Scale (PROQOL) 慈心满意与慈心疲倦 (PROQOL) 版本5 (2009) 当您护理别人时,会直接接触到他人的生活。您可能因此曾经经历过正面及负面的影响。下列...
专业生活品质量表ProfessionalQualityofLifeScalePROQOL慈心 专业生活品质量表Professional Quality of Life Scale (PROQOL)慈心满意与慈心疲倦 (PROQOL) 版本5 (2009)当您护理别人时,会直接接触到他人的生活。您可能因此曾经经历过正面及负面的影响。下列问题是有关您身为护士时所经历过的正面及负面经历。请依据您自己及...
A critical enquiry into the psychometric properties of the professional quality of life scale (ProQol-5) instrument This paper seeks to present the resource-based reflective risk assessment model which is a framework that integrates 10 mental health related constructs (b......
Stamm BH. The ProQOL Manual: The Professional Quality of Life Scale: Compassion satisfaction, burnout & compassion fatigue/secondary trauma scales. Baltimore, Md.: Sidran, 2005.Stamm, B. H. 2005. The ProQOL manual: The professional ... S Netherlands - Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well...
A combination of paper-based and online surveys were used. 2.1. Mockingbird FamilyTM The Mockingbird FamilyTM is a licenced foster caregiving model that originated in Seattle USA (Mockingbird Society, 2022). It was introduced to Australia in 2019 by Life Without Barriers, a non-government ...
In addition to a questionnaire collecting basic demographic and occupational characteristics, partici- pants were asked to complete the short (16-item) version of the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) Scale, as well as the Professional Quality of Life (PROQOL) scale. The Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the professional quality of life of HCW in a tertiary hospital in Monastir Tunisia and to assess its determinants. METHODS. a cross-sectional study conducted in December 2022 using an online survey. We used the professional quality of life scale, which ...
Development of a new resilience scale: the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Depress Anxiety. 2003;18(2):76-82. doi:10.1002/da.10113PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 47. Norman GR, Sloan JA, Wyrwich KW. Interpretation of changes in health-related quality of life: the remarkable ...
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