An important choice for your professional liability insurance is the limit of liability. The limit of liability is the maximum that the insurance company will pay in the event of a claim. The higher the limit of liability, the higher your insurance premiums will be. The limit of liability is...
Garden State Professional Insurance Agency offers professional liability insurance for Attorneys, Title Professionals, Real Estate Agents & Accountants.
Writing professional liability insurance for lawyersWing, Marcia
Professional liability insurance (PLI) protects professionals such as accountants, lawyers, and physicians against negligence and other claims initiated by their clients. Professionals with expertise in a specific area require this type of insurance because general liability insurance policies do not offer ...
Founded in 1954, Daniels-Head provides Professional Liability Insurance, Businessowners Policies, Workers Compensation, Directors & Officers Liability, Real Estate and Title/Escrow Agents, Builders Risk, EPLI, Crime Coverage, Umbrella Policies and many o
Professional Liability Insurance for Colorado Bar Association members Lawyers are faced with numerous risk exposures, and Professional Liability Insurance should be an essential component of every Colorado firm. This policy provides coverage for the cost of legal fees, judgments or settlements resulting fro...
Massachusetts Lawyers professional liability insurance is designed to keep law firms functioning and covered during lawsuits aimed at the firm. Here are two reasons to get started right now! Don’t wait any longer to make sure that you have a great liability policy and that you are saving as ...
Because of the growing number of claims for professional negligence, coupled with the fact that the monetary risk of claims is largely unmeasurable, a constantly increasing proportion of lawyers is considering the feasibility of professional liability insurance protection. This type of insurance offers ...
Insurance Management System was built from the ground for for attorney professional liability insurance. AI-enabled underwriting assistance Automated application and renewal Document management and storage Flexible billing and notifications Broker management ...
Lawyers professional liability coverage provides attorneys with liability coverage for financial loss suffered by third parties arising from acts, errors, and omissions in providing professional legal services.