Don't worry! Writing emails in English can be a little intimidating, but it's a skill you can master with a little practice. This guide will walk you through the essentials, from crafting a great subject line to ending your email with a friendly note. Let's dive in!...
BeforewegettothefirsttipforeasytowriteemailsinEnglish, let'stalkaboutwhatprofessionalemailsshouldbe.在介绍用英语轻松撰写电子邮件的第一个技巧之前,我们先来谈谈什么是专业电子邮件。Youremailsshouldbeclear, concise, polite, andproductive.您的邮件应清晰、简洁、礼貌、富有成效。Inotherwords, emailsthatyousendfor...
By following those first five tips for writing a professional email in English, you're ensuring that your email is clear, concise, polite, and productive. 您可以使用 "保重"、"最良好的祝愿 "或 "万事如意"。只要掌握了用英语撰写专业电子邮件的前五条技巧,就能确保您...
1) Understand basic professional email structures in English. 2) Identify key things to do and things to avoid. 3) Learn how to do basic editing of punctuation and capitalization. WEEK 2 Let's Start Writing 1) Write more effective subject lines. 2) Understand the organization of email text...
Tips: I can't write a good email right now! Hi! My name is Xinzhe Wang and I come from China. My native language is Chinese so it's little hard for me to write a good e-mail with the right format. The reason that I attend to this specialization in Coursera is I will pursue ...
But the good news is, writing effective emails in English is a skill that can be learned. Think of it like this: your email is your digital handshake. It's the first impression you make, and it can either make or break a connection. So, how do you make sure yo...
I'm Martina Silva. I'm sorry that I forgot to attach the documents that needed to be signed to the email message. I have included the correct documents in this email. The deadline for the deal is coming soon and your bosses' signatures are very important. Would you like to send me ...
Tips for Crafting a Great Email Reply: Be Prompt: Reply to emails in a timely manner. Be Helpful: Aim to provide a clear and helpful response. Be Respectful: Always use polite and respectful language. Be Concise: Avoid unnecessary words and keep your email focused. Be...
Write Professional Emails in English📪纯干货❗️Coursera公开课,如何写专业英文邮件。(Part 2) 4️⃣ DOs and 4️⃣ DON’Ts in Professional Emails. 英文邮件中的4要4不要。 ✅Have a professional email ad...
Assignment: Revise Your Introduction Email# Subject: Introduction from Xinzhe Wang Message: Dear classmates, My name is Xinzhe Wang, and I am pursuing my Master's Degree in UC Davis. The reason that I attend to this specialization in Coursera is that I want to practise my English writing ...