Professional coin grading service by CAC Grading ensures your coins and collectibles are expertly graded and authenticated, with trustworthy service.
自从pcgs 进入中国以来,银币价格一直上涨,不知道是泉友的福还是祸,我一直认为银币就值几百,为什么转个塑料盒子就几千几万了呢。我还是喜欢以前的价格。,我建议抵制pcgs 让收藏回归平民。 钱币交流... 11-26 227 过来水一水,涨点经验 梦归看池鱼 评级周活动 钱币交流... 11-26 11 PCGS评级币出现...
Professional coin grading service by CAC Grading ensures your coins and collectibles are expertly graded and authenticated, with trustworthy service.
Professional coin grading service by CAC Grading ensures your coins and collectibles are expertly graded and authenticated, with trustworthy service.
均来自最权威机构PCGS鉴定评级中心,以下为P公司入盒有分的数量,增加了银元目录中的等级划分。 共6 张 钱币交流... 2-6 0 PCGS的中国评级专家 钱币交流... 共4 张 钱币交流... 12-14 10 各位兄弟 这两枚准备送PCGS 猜猜结果如何 钱币交流... 各位兄弟 这两枚准备送PCGS 猜猜结果如何 共4 ...
The groups that are involved in the initiative include the American Numismatic Association, Industry Council for Tangible Assets, and Professional Coin Grading Service. The move is designed for the reduction of the availability of fakes and coin buyer education....
Professional Coin Grading Service Professional Judgment Profile buyer/seller profile segmentation profit profit a prendre profit after tax profit and loss statement profit center profit centre Profit forecast Profit Graph profit margin profit maximization ...
PCGSProfessionalCoinGradingService专业钱币分级服务公司美国的著名专门针对硬币进行鉴定、分级、评分的公司。鉴定过的硬币会被装入一个密封的小盒子并被标记分数以及编号。其会员能够通过网络系统根据编号查询相关信息。 分级的标准一般为: 为了适应美国硬币交易中不断追求高品级的需要,美国钱币协会于20世纪70年代制定了《美...
Professional Coin Grading Service Professional Judgment Profile buyer/seller profile segmentation profit profit a prendre profit after tax profit and loss statement profit center profit centre Profit forecast Profit Graph profit margin profit maximization profit motive profit per employee Profit Range profit ...
, modern jewelry and timepieces. For over 25 years, Lee has been a fixture in the jewelry business. In fact, Lee has loved jewelry and wristwatches since he was a boy. After graduating from the Gemological Institute of America, Lee completed a challenging course in rough diamond grading....