The population in this study were cunsumers of PT. Telkom Indonesia in Makassar City area and the sample were 100 respondents who have subscribed to Indihome Triple-Play. The data analysis and T test using IBM SPSS Statistics version 25. The results of this study indicate that the average ...
Pelaksanaan Service Recovery (Pemulihan Jasa) untuk Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan Speedy PT Telkom Malang Kata Kunci: service recovery , kepuasan pelanggan, Speedy Speedy adalah salah satu produk PT Telkom di bidang penyedia jasa layanan internet. Dalam ... HS Rachmawati - SKRIPSI Jurusan Manajemen...
This study analyzes the business strategy of PT. Hino Motors Manufacturing Indonesia to increase vehicle sales FM260JD dump truck. In this research using descriptive analysis of the design research studies that describe the business strategy of PT. HMMI in a given period (2005-2010). The sample...