Products LiabilityCasenotes
product line exceptionproduct line liabilitydefective productassumption of liabilityfraudulent transfer of assetsmere continuationIn today's fast-paced business world, buy-outs, takeovers, mergers, and other acquisitions are common occurrences. As a consequence of this corporate turnoverCantu, Charles...
products liability act随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾外部资源(未审查的) In all other regards we shall be liable in accordance with the German Product Liability Act for injury to life, body or health, or due to culpable violation [...] 在所有其它...
产品责任保险(Products Liability Insurance)是指:由于产品在设计、生产、包装等环节存在缺陷或警示不足导致使用者在使用过程中造成人身伤亡或财产损失,使用者因此向生产商或经销商提出索赔或诉讼,生产商由此需要承担相应的法律赔偿责任。承保该责任的险种就叫“产品责任保险”。 沃尔玛、麦德龙(Metro)家乐福等国际采购商在...
•Service–Anyactivityorbenefitthatonepartycanoffertoanotherthatisessentiallyintangibleanddoesnotresultinownershipofanything.ProductsandCulture Aproductismorethanaphysicalitem:Itisabundleofsatisfactions(orutilities)thatthebuyerreceives 1.Facetsofproductsincludeitsform,taste,color,odor,andtexture;howitfunctionsinuse...
PREVENTING AND MANAGING PRODUCT LIABILITY CLAIMS. Overview Whether our clients need assistance with litigation or require expertise in handling insurance matters, public relations crises or recalls, our Products Liability group can provide outstanding advice and counsel. We stay on top of emerging legal...
I Should it be the manufacturer, who has, let us say, exercised all possible care in the preparation and sale of his product? Or should liability fall on the retailer, who generally is quite unaware of the existence of latent defects in the many different types of products which he is ...
产品责任保险(Products Liability Insurance)是指:由于产品在设计、生产、包装等环节存在缺陷或警示不足导致使用者在使用过程中造成人身伤亡或财产损失,使用者因此向生产商或经销商提出索赔或诉讼,生产商由此需要承担相应的法律赔偿责任。承保该责任的险种就叫“产品责任保险”。
Products Liability - Strict Liability of Seller of Defective Product for Physical Harm to User or Consumer - Restatement 2D, Torts, Section 402A Adopted - ... Products Liability - Strict Liability of Seller of Defective Product for Physical Harm to User or Consumer - Restatement 2D, Torts, ...
Taiwan being an export-led economics, our manufacturers engage themselves in selling their products worldwide (especially to North America), they are customarily required to take out product liability risks cover as part of the transaction contract. Aon Taiwan products liability division is well ...