“The overall impact of WFH [working from home] was striking. The firm improved total factor productivity by between 20% to 30% and saved about $2,000 per year per WFH employee. About two-thirds of this improvement came from the reduction in office space and the rest from improved emplo...
复旦大学国际问题研究院姜茗予助理研究员与日本青山学院大学经济学部安井健悟教授,日本神户大学经济学研究科勇上和史教授在国际期刊《Telecommunications Policy》上发表了题为“Working from home, job tasks, and productivity”的论文。该期刊...
To combat these distractions, it’s important to set and enforce rules for when you are working from the comfort of home. If you have a door, close it. If you don’t, try hanging a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the back of your chair or set up some other notice that you are not ...
there are plenty of distractions, ranging from family or roommates, house tasks, and the proximity to your comfy bed.However, with a few tweaks in both your mindset and your surroundings, working from home can actually be highly rewarding. ...
If you’re not used to working from home, it can be a challenge at first. Here are some helpful ways to be successful while you're working from home.
Whatever your circumstances, working from home is likely playing a larger part in your life, or that of people you live with, than it ever has before. At its best, working from home benefits everyone: you, your family or household, and your organization. Remain connected and positive, and...
working from home can feel uncomfortable, boring, and even entirely unfilling. These feelings can hinder productivity and further exacerbate the negatives of working from home; however, to help you discover your own personal preferences and unique ways to make working from home as enjoyable as poss...
I used to think working from home meant having the flexibility to work whenever I wanted. I was so wrong. Truth is, now, more than ever, is when we need a daily schedule if we want to increase productivity and keep work from gobbling up all your time. Start and stop work at the sa...
Whether you’re new to working from home or it’s always been a part of your routine, these 10 tips will help you get more done than you have before!
COVID-19productivitysocial distancingworking from homeThis study examines the productivity of working from home (WFH) practices during the COVID pandemic. The results reveal that the mean WFH productivity relative to working at the usual workplace was about 60%–70%, and it was lower for ...