Productive use of renewable energy in Africa.ARE, The Productive Use of Renewable Energy in Africa, Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), Africa-EU Energy Partnership, Eschborn, Germany, 2015.Lecoque, David, and Marcus Wiemann. 2015. The Productive Use of Renewable Energy in Africa. ARE ...
According to new reports published recently by the Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities (PREO) Programme, increasing the productive use of energy (PUE) in Africa is an important way to unlock jobs, create incomes and deliver social impacts in local communities. The reports outline the business ca...
Major actions included the following: (a) Goal 7, target 1: trained 286 civil servants in environment and conflict cooperation issues; strengthenedproductiveandsustainable renewable energy technologies in South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Namibia through policy dialogues; (b) Goal 7 target 2: promote...
Productivity also implies how efficiently firms and nations use resources. As discussed in Chapter 2, and later in this chapter, cities have become engines of growth. Nearly 70 per cent of India's GDP is produced in cities. Productive cities are also competitive as they attract firms and ...
Egypt, in its vision, has become more concerned with the localization of modern industries, high-quality technologies, and new and renewable energy, al-Husseini said, noting that Egypt has also ventured into the field of manufacturing electric cars, in cooperation with Chinese companies. ...
quality development of state-owned enterprises, strengthen support for private enterprises, and accelerate the realization of data valuation by improving the market system. Additionally, it will improve the management mechanism for fiscal research funds to ensure greater autonomy in the use of research ...
The estimated useful lives and dates that the Group places the items of property, plant and equipmentintoproductiveusereflect the directors’ estimate of the periods that the Group intends to derive future economic benefits from the use of these[...] ...
The Efficient Use of the Productive Potential of Technical Plant Cultures With the Purpose of Providing an Alternative Energetic Fuel Sourcecropsenergy sourcesproductive potentialvegetable oilenergyrapeseed diesterrapeThe identification of secure, non-polluting and renewable sources of biofuel, as an ...
Project rises to solve by means of renewable energy the supply of main necessities of settlers who inhabited arid zones. Most of them are related to productive activities that they develop, being the most pressing the referred to water shortage and the difficulties to handling it for productive ...
Human capital is a set of productive capacities that enables wise use of energy through increased knowledge, awareness and concern regarding energy efficiency and other pro-environmental issues, and, on the other hand, standing improvements in technology and services that generate the need for energy...