总结来说,allocative efficiency主要关注资源的分配问题,旨在实现资源的优化配给以最大化整体效益;而productive efficiency则侧重于生产过程中投入与产出的关系,追求在给定条件下实现最大化产出。虽然两者都是关于效率的,但是关注的侧重点和衡量标准不同,因此不是同一概念。
Allocative efficiency和Productive efficiency并非同一概念,它们各自代表了不同的经济效率标准。productive efficiency关注的是生产过程中平均成本最低,即MC=AC,以确保生产者成本最低。而allocative efficiency则涉及消费者价值与成本的平衡,即MC=AR,确保资源的分配使得消费者价值最大化。资源的最优分配是通过...
首先,我们要先把静态效率static efficiency—效率这个概念分解为productive efficiency和allocative efficiency,也就是说如果试题题干要求我们比较两种市场类型的efficiency,我们就要至少从这两种效率上展开分析。 先来看productive efficiency即生产效率,对于这个效率,我们有两个model涉及到了其解释,分别是PPF(production possibili...
Allocative efficiencymeans producing the combination of products that will yield the greatest possible level of satisfaction of consumer wants. 判断方法: —P=MC Pareto efficiency 判断方法: —There is efficiency in consumption if there is no way to redistribute goods among consumers that makes some on...
Allan T.Productive efficiency and allocative efficiency: Why better water management may not solve the problem. Agricultural Water Management . 1999Allan, T., 1999, "Productive efficiency and allocative efficiency: why better water management may not solve the problem", Agricultural Water Management, ...
allocative efficiency 是价格等于边际成本(P=MC),productive efficiency 是价格等于最小平均总成本(P= minimum ATC)。前者代表社会最优生产,后者仅仅表示此处生产总成本最小。今天是2019年最后一天❤️
The idea of efficiency often arises when measuring a society's well-being. There are two kinds of efficiency: productive efficiency and allocative efficiency. What can the government do to promote all Define Pareto efficiency. What is the outcome of the efficient allocation of resources?
More importantly, it will be shown that the measures from which the most water use efficiency gains can be achieved are the ones for which `political prices' would have to be paid. These optimum options are, therefore, rarely addressed. 展开 ...
A monopolistically competitive firm can never achieve productive efficiency because the output is never at the level where the marginal cost is equal... Learn more about this topic: Allocative Efficiency | Overview & Examples from Chapter 3/ Lesson 20 ...