Can someone tell me what the equation would be for getting Nitrogen N2 from air? I've tried to look it up but can't find anything. Then I wondered what the formula for air is, but there isn't such a thing. I found this useful discussion about air: Air has no chemical formula beca...
The equation is A = 0·01 D 0·05 where A = ammonia concentration in water and D = % protein in the diet. The oxygen concentration in the water was inversely correlated with the weight of the eels, and the allometric equation for the relationship between body weight of fish and oxygen...
When growing a Methylocystis-dominated culture under non-aseptic conditions, with ammonia and methane fed as nitrogen and carbon source respectively, 39% w/w PHB was obtained [33]. in addition, 51% w/w of PHB was produced in 7 and 70 L bioreactors through a double step process ...
The biological conversion of methane to methanol is another favourable approach to methanol production. Two groups of bacteria: (a) ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and (b) methanotrophic bacteria are only useful for carbon–hydrogen bond activation in methane. Ammonia is used by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria ...
Aquatic ecosystems are globally significant sources of the greenhouse gas methane to the atmosphere. Until recently, methane production was thought to be a strictly anaerobic process confined primarily to anoxic sediments. However, supersaturation of met
The advantage is that they can be operated using less pure hydrogen, ammonia, methane, and other liquid fuels20,21. Although the first usage of SOFCs as range extenders in vehicles was demonstrated during the last decade22,23, the technology was considered less suitable for vehicles because of...
Development of a microreactor for the production of hydrogen from ammonia_NEW PaperReview DevelopmentofaMicroreactorfortheProductionofHydrogenfromAmmonia 論文摘要介紹 本篇論文在討論以鋁結構電鍍的氧化鋁微型化學反應器中,高觸媒活性在普通溫度時使無水氨分解為氮與氫氣的相關問題。藉由調整反應器的幾何外觀、...
Menzi et al. (1997) reported that about 30% of nitrogen is lost in the form of ammonia, which can be reduced with appropriate measures into about 40–20% (Menzi et al.1997). The amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the production of each ton of paddy 1166.09 kg of carbon dioxide has...
Ammonia process intensification Distributed ammonia production Energy vector Sustainable process design 1. Introduction The environmental and social challenges we are experiencing today impose the rethinking of the global development model. In the last years, the traditional linear economy system, which follow...
. Subsequently, the TT–CTP films could be readily produced by immersing the TTH–CTP films in ammonia water (Supplementary Fig.S18). The facile preparation of both CTP films allowed us to measure their photophysical properties accurately, thereby disclosing the underlying mechanisms of photocatalytic...