Product Flavors是 Gradle 提供的一种功能,它允许开发者为同一个应用程序定义多个变种(版本)。例如,一个应用可以有免费版和收费版,这两个版本可能共享大多数代码,但在某些功能或资源上有所不同。通过Product Flavors,开发者可以轻松管理这些不同版本的构建。 如何配置 Product Flavors 在Gradle 的build.gradle文件中,...
然后flutter中Android运行的时候,就会报错 The Gradle project does not define a task suitable for the requested build. The android/app/build.gradle file defines product flavors: jingdong, tengxun, xiaomi You must specify a --flavor option to select one of them. Finished with error: Gradle build ...
Android Studio 這個功能,似乎有點不直覺,因為要先點一下最左邊側欄裡的 Build 分頁,才能切換 Product Flavors。 Tochangethebuild variant,AndroidStudiouses: selectBuild> SelectBuild Variantin the menu bar (or clickBuild Variantsin the windows bar), and then select abuild variantfrom the drop-down men...
This API is used to query the product flavor (parameter spec_code) required for configuring a new DCS instance. If no search criterion is specified, all product specifica
Product flavors(不同定制的产品) 一个product flavor定义了从项目中构建了一个应用的自定义版本。一个单一的项目可以同时定义多个不同的flavor来改变应用的输出。 这个新的设计概念是为了解决不同的版本之间的差异非常小的情况。虽然最项目终生成了多个定制的版本,但是它们本质上都是同一个应用,那么这种做法可能是比...
To configure Product Flavors, we need to modify theapp/build.gradlefile. android { ... productFlavors { prod { } uat { } dev { } } } After this modification, Android Studio will ask to sync the project. After syncronization is completed, followingbuild variantswill be avaiable. ...
打包签名app 都选择完后 点击 Finish提示Please select the product flavors to build and sign 这种情况看下 图中红线的地方 是不是没有点击选中,背景变为蓝色为选中状态。选中后再点击Finish即可解决。... 查看原文 android studio打包签名错误please select the product flavors to build and sign 打包签名app ...
Given another scenario where you want to implement region-specific functions depending on the country, you can use product flavors for such a use case. White labeling (these are apps that are developed by a certain company, and they are re-branded and resold by other companies). Given a sce...
It should at least contains a package name (possibly different from the final applicationId(s)) as explained by this note from Configure Product Flavors : Note : You still need to specify a package name using the package attribute in the main/ manifest file. You must also use that package ...