For two n-by-n matrices, A,B, the product field of values is the set P(A,B)={〈Ax,x〉〈Bx,x〉:x∈Cn,||x||=1}. In this paper, we establish basic properties of the product field of values. The main results are a proof that the product field is a simply connected subset ...
This paper aims to propose a definition of value of a product and develop a method to assess it in units of a currency. To test the methodology in practice, experiments are conducted and the values of two of the elements of the external envelope of residential housing projects are determined...
Noun1.grossdomesticproduct-themeasureof aneconomyadoptedbytheUnitedStatesin1991;thetotalmarketvaluesofgoodsandservicesproducedbyworkersandcapitalwithinanation'sbordersduringagivenperiod(usually1year) GDP value-thequality(positiveornegative)thatrenderssomethingdesirableorvaluable;"theShakespeareanShylockis ofdubiousvalu...
A maximum of 100 values Indicates the product information list. For details, see Table 1. inquiry_precision No Integer - Precision of the price query result. The default value of this parameter is 0 (default precision of the price query result). 0: The default precision of the query result...
If text, instead of a number, is in a cell, it is treated as zero. Example If you want to play around withSUMPRODUCTandCreate an array formula, here’s an Excel for the web workbook with different data than used in this article. ...
aPrice is the amount of money charged for a product or service. It is the sum of all the values that consumers give up in order to gain the benefits of having or using a product or service 价格是对于产品或服务收费的金额。 它是消费者放弃为了获取有或使用产品或服务的好处所有价值的总和[tra...
Note: If you have clicked theName,Description,Slug, orCounttable headings to sort the categories by one of those values, drag and drop sorting will not be available. There will always be a default category. Every product must be assigned to a category, so the default category will be autom...
World Bank data show that exports account for Asia'sgross domestic product( GDP ) of around 32 %. 世界银行数据显示,出口占亚洲国内生产毛额 ( GDP ) 的32%左右. 期刊摘选 The annualgross domestic product( GDP ) has increased by 56 times since the founding of New China. ...
Use one of the values provided by 1SYNC and set up in the lookup M4U_USER_GLN. Represented Party GLN End-retailer GLN value in the GDSN network. Only use this parameter when sending RFCIN messages on behalf of other retailers. Use one of the values provided by 1SYNC and defined in ...
Currency unit and formatting of monetary values Postal addresses Telephone numbers Measurement units Paper sizes To delve into the details of these considerations (and much more), seeInternational design. Localization strategy for different types of content ...