2. Determines the product of two matrices. 确定两个矩阵的乘积。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Gets the product of two matrices. 获取两个矩阵的乘积。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Matrix structure that is the product of two matrices. 结构,它是两个矩阵的乘积。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. An Algorithm of ...
Double-Dot Product of 2 Matrices 迦非喵 致力于国产CFD开源软件2 人赞同了该文章 链接为: Double-Dot Product of 2 Matricesstemandmusic.in/maths/mvt-algebra/matrixDDP.php发布于 2023-04-22 17:45・IP 属地四川 内容所属专栏 国产CFD开源软件 国产CFD(计算流体力学)开源软件讨论区 订阅专栏 ...
1) Product of two matrices二个矩阵的积2) overall interest 二个大局3) Twelves 《十二个》 1. Love of Sexual Passion: The Representation ofthe Prototye Anima in Twelves; 情欲之爱:阿尼玛原型在《十二个》中的表现4) Two Areas 二个区域 1. Mark-Recapture Model of a Closed Population in Two ...
2) product of two matrices 矩阵的乘积 例句>> 3) rank of matrix product 矩阵乘积的秩4) Khatri-Rao products 矩阵的Khatri-Rao乘积5) Tracy-Singh products 矩阵的Tracy-Singh乘积6) product of matrix 矩阵乘积 例句>> 补充资料:上极限和下极限 上极限和下极限 upper and lower limits 上极限和...
2 Comparing the condition number of ATAATA if AA is symmetric or not Related 3 Matrices whose condition number is 11 5 Condition number of a block matrix 2 Condition number of the product of two s.p.d. matrices 2 Condition numbers and block matrices 1 Condition number of matrix mu...
∈Rn×dbe a data matrix,R∈Rn×dR∈Rn×da matrix such thatRij∼Bern(p)Rij∼Bern(p)is sampled i.i.d. from the Bernoulli distribution,M=X⊙RM=X⊙Rthe element-wise product of the previous two matrices, andΓΓbe a diagonal matrix withΓii=(X⊤X)1/2iiΓii=(X⊤X)ii1/2...
This systematic discrepancy needs further investigation.doi:10.1007/BF03052783Khan, N. APergamon Press,N. A. KHAN, The characteristic roots of the product of matrices, Quart. Journ. Math., Oxford (2), 7(1956), 138-143.
2) product of two matrices 矩阵的乘积 例句>> 3) Khatri-Rao products 矩阵的Khatri-Rao乘积 4) Tracy-Singh products 矩阵的Tracy-Singh乘积 5) limit of matrix product 矩阵乘积的极限 6) product of matrix 矩阵乘积 例句>> 补充资料:誾誾秩秩 ...
3) product of matrices 矩阵乘积 1. Relationship and properties on theproduct of matricesAB and BA; 矩阵乘积AB与BA的关系及性质 更多例句>> 4) matrix multiplication 矩阵乘积 1. Optimze algorithm ofmatrix multiplicationbased on AltiVec technology; ...
两个矩阵乘积的加权{1,3,4}-逆的反序律 The Reverse Order Law for Weighted{1,3,4}-Inverse of a Product of Two Matrices 郑胜,刘丁酉 Keywords: 加权广义逆,反序律,最大秩最小秩,广义Schur补 Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: 利用广义Schur补的最大秩最小秩方法研究了两...