1.连结到官方网站,点选「Download links are on the bottom of this page」。2.我使用的是64位元Windows 10的作业系统,所以点选「Download ProduKey for x64」,如果你使用32位元的作业系统,就点选「Download ProduKey (In Zip file)」。3.选择「储存档案」,点选「确定」。4.下载完成以后,...
步骤1:转到 www.microsoftstore.com 并使用用于购买 Office 的 Microsoft 帐户登录(右上角)。 步骤2:登录后,在右上角选择姓名,然后选择“订单历史记录”。 步骤3:找到 Office 一次性购买或单独的 Office 应用,然后选择“安装Office”,查看产品密钥(此操作不会安装 Office)。 步骤4:在产品密钥显示的窗口中再次选...
你笔记本底部的product key 后的25位密钥只是你购买的笔记本自带的正版操作系统的产品密钥,并非是word的产品密钥,也就是说这个密钥不能用于激活word。建议你到网上下载一些免激活的进行安装,百度一下就会有一大堆的了。
AwenamI had the same issue after reinstalling Windows and couldn't find my Office key. I used Dr. Key to recover it easily, and it worked like a charm – highly recommend it! I followed this tutorial: (worked with my office 2016) https://www.uumeo.com/find-office-product-...
使用合适的 Microsoft 帐户 请确保通过用于购买 Office 的 Microsoft 帐户 登录。 找到用于 Office 的帐户 注意: 如果购买了新的未使用的 Microsoft 365 产品密钥卡来续订 Microsoft 365 订阅或购买试用版,则可在 Office 发出提示时输入该产品密钥。 还可在 www.office.com/setup 输入产品密钥。 少数例外情况下,...
My Office 2010 product key doesn't work I have my Office 2010 product key but lost the installation disk Contact support about your product key If you’ve followed the guidance in this article and still need help, visit our Microsoft support page for assistance. Need more...
microsoft office 2010 产品密钥在 正版Office光盘封面上 电脑背面的那个product key是你电脑的出厂编号,是品牌机的标志。电脑保修才会用的 激活工具下载:参考资料:www.chao6.com/...ey.rar
Hello, I put the key code i got with my Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus purchase, on the first application (Word 2021) i opened after the installation instead of my Microsoft account. My concern is the following. May i reuse the same code in case
DBXYD-TF477-46YM4-W74MH-6YDQ8 有图为证!(打勾表示该序列号通过)把分给我吧,其实什么也不多说,这个是最好的了,用再久它也不会封你的。
It is an all-encompassing tool and it merges Microsoft2013 with others that sync the libraries and attributes. If a user desires to use the product key for Microsoft Office 365 with some issues, then he needs the right key that fits the latest version of the software. One can also use ...