1. 总分=PRODUCT(B3,C3,D3,D4) 2. B3=(IF(B3="主要负责人",10,0)+IF(B3="版块负责人",5,0)+IF(B3="参与人",3,0)),该公式表达的是,如果B3显示的是主要负责人时,就会是B3=10+0+0,如果显示的是版块负责人时,就会是B3=0+5+0,如果显示的是参与人时,就会是B3=0+0+3。C3和D3,也是同样...
Sumproduct 是无法做到 productif 的效果 北京 10 上海 20 北京 2 北京 3 上海 4 上海 5 任何一格, 输入数组公式:=PRODUCT(IF(A1:A6="北京",B1:B6))输入公式后, 左手按Ctrl+Shift不放, 右手回车 便会显示 60(即 10 * 2 * 3)达到 productif的效果 注意: excel 是没有 productif...
In cell E5, enter the following formula: =IF(OR(C5="",D5=""),"",PRODUCT(B5:D5)) Press ENTER. Drag the Fill Handle icon to the end of the Product column. The formula will return a blank cell if either of the values to be multiplied are blank, else it will return their prod...
7. Export to Excel Format: If you need to share your spreadsheet with someone who uses Microsoft Excel, you can export your WPS spreadsheet file to Excel format (.xlsx) to ensure compatibility. Exporting WPS spreadsheet in Excel Format
Excel-万能PRODUCT函数 sumproduct除了可以计算乘积之和,还可以实现单条件求和(代替sumif),多条件求和(代替sumifs),单条件计数(代替countif),多条件计数(代替countifs) 我总结了一个通用的公式,如有问题,还望各位亲多多指教~ =sumproduct(1 *(条件1) *(条件2)*……*(条件n))...
Example Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show results, select them, press F2, and then press Enter. If you need to, you can adjust the column widths to see all the data. ...