利用Product Backlog工具快速实现从构思到交付 获得用于创建,确定优先级和完善产品和Scrum待办事项列表的快速工具。 借助用于敏捷团队的积压管理工具Hansoft,您可以为产品所有者,Scrum团队,主管和利益相关者提供一个协作平台。 因此,您可以迭代并推动发布,从构思到计划再到交付。
3、为了达到产品的目标和任务,PO对Product Backlog中的内容进行最优排序。 4、确保Product Backlog中的内容是可视化的,透明的,对任何人都是清晰的。同时要告知团队接下来做什么。 5、优化团队工作的价值。 --The Scrum Guide
Backlog Management Backlog ManagementHow to manage your product backlog like a pro A product backlog is a prioritized list of all the product's requirements, usually taken from the product roadmap and stakeholder input. It's an integral piece to any Scrum process. All the user stories, ...
-在sprint planning meeting前把product backlog排好优先级并保证高优先级的items都细化好 -会议期间po的作用是阐明需求和回答问题,po帮助团队什么必须被完成,team讨论出多少可以被完成和怎么完成 完成的定义 只有visioning sprints有自己特殊的完成的定义。 在第一个sprint之前,po,scrum maser和team要一起定义出完成。
A powerful scrum software that supports scrum project management. It features scrum tools like user story map, product backlog management, sprint backlog management, task management, daily scrum meeting, sprint planning tool, sprint review tool, sprint retrospective tool, burndown, impediment, stakehol...
有些人参加完Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) 训练课程,就觉得自己是产品经理了,但其实这课程并不能教你如何当好产品经理,所以上完课的人还不足以胜任。「产品负责人」 (Product Owner) 的职责只占了「产品经理」 (Product Manager) 约5% 的工作内容。所以说,虽然CSPO 是重要的训练,但这不会教你如何...
What is a product backlog? In agile project management frameworks like Scrum, a product backlog is a prioritized list of product-related deliverables. It serves as the single source of work for everyone on the Scrum team. The product backlog is managed by the produc...
But, as with any project management methodology, organization is key. And the scrum product backlog is an important tool to get you there. A product backlog in Agile is, essentially, a list of items that are “on deck” for the development team. It’s a to-do list of items that nee...
A side effect though is that there will be a queue forming in front of the team and that queue in scrum is called a product backlog. 然而,这样做的一个副作用是团队前面会形成一个队列,而在Scrum中,这个队列被称为产品待办列表。 The queue needs to be managed. ...
A powerful scrum software that supports scrum project management. It features scrum tools like user story map, product backlog management, sprint backlog management, task management, daily scrum meeting, sprint planning tool, sprint review tool, sprint retrospective tool, burndown, impediment, stakehol...