SOUTH AfricaGOVERNMENT purchasing lawsPUBLIC financeDEMOCRATIZATIONSOCIAL policyThis paper explores emerging contemporary trends in the development of South Africa's public procurement law. Using a doctrinal legal analysis, it identifies two main trends in such development post-d...
Speaking at a policy dialogue meeting on Mitigating corruption risks in Zimbabwe’s Public Procurement in Zimbabwe hosted by Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ) in Harare last week, Cross said the current leadership was unwilling to strengthen public procurement laws. BY TATIRA ZWINOIRA “Nothing...
"This clearly indicates the potential that exist to leverage public spending in order to promote social, environmental economic policies," he said. Semakula said the Ugandan government is in the process of amending the necessary policies and laws to incorporate the green procurement system....
Put differently, while private and public supply chain issues are similar, they are also indelibly different because of the unique risks and pressures in the public sphere, and the unique laws [and norms] which shape public procurement reflect...
This may result in risks for you because you cannot effectively enforce your rights as a data subject in the USA, there are no data protection principles in the USA, and because it cannot be ruled out that, due to current laws, US security authorities may gain access to data, whereby ...
contracting firms sign a public agreement with governments committing to refrain from corruption and enhance transparency and accountability in a public contracting project. As part of the agreement, an independent civil society organization is assigned to monitor compliance with the applicable laws and re...
While many countries have their own national laws similar to the one being proposed by the EC, such as Germany’s German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, this proposed law supersedes national laws and is stricter in most cases. Global Bearings Market - Suppliers by Region Country/RegionNumber ...
(these give effect to the act for the former is crafted in board strokes). In this regard, some jurisdictions have specific PPP laws, accompanied by attendant regulations. Some examples are Afghanistan (Public-Private Partnership Law 2016), Albania (Law on Public Procurement 2006), Angola (Lei...
Whilst sufficient legislation has been enacted to regulate preferential procurement, to favour black people, much still seems to be lacking in the enforcement of the laws in public procurement. Central to the challenges of preferential procurement is the disharmony between the Framework legislation ...
“marketexclusivity”in medicinesandrelatedsupplies •Marketexclusivitydirectlyaffectsthepriceand availabilityofmedicines •IPRsholdersviewmarketexclusivityasimportant toprofitabilityandwillacttodefendtheir interests 88 NationalLaw&International Agreements •EachcountryorregionhasitsownsetofIPRslaws •In-country...