2 Google Chrome The installation of software on your computer is not necessary. However, you are strongly advised to use Google Chrome so you can run the latest version of our screen sharing extension. 3 A photo ID We need to identify you with your student card, passport, ID card, or a...
Free download and install ProctorExam Activity Sharing 1.8.1 for Chrome
请注意:请勿在Google官网以外的其他不明来源下载应用程序。③ 监考软件浏览器插件:Chrome插件,用Chrome浏览器登录以下网址下载,并根据所述流程安装。设置Chrome为默认浏览器。3️⃣ 最后,考前核对清单请于预约考试时间前至少40分钟对考试环境进行最后检查,再次确认考试环境,电脑、摄像头、耳麦与手机应用程序等正常运行...