diameterof4inches.Thesoilinthemoldis compactedinthreelayerswith25blowsperlayerfroma5.5poundrammerdroppedfromaheightof12inches.Thewetdensityandmoisture contentofthecompactedspecimenisplottedonafamilyofcurvesandamaximumdrydensityandoptimummoisturecontentisselectedfromthe familyofcurvesforuseincompactioncalculations. ...
Sidney M. Levy, in Construction Calculations Manual, 2012 Moisture Density Relation—Compaction Test—Proctor and Modified Proctor Purpose • This laboratory test is performed to determine the relationship between the moisture content and the dry density of a soil for a specified compactive...
Ans:In the standard compaction test, the maximum dry density is achieved on greater moisture content as compared to in Modified Proctor Test and vice versa. Q.2:Define Compaction energy. Ans:The energy required for the compaction of soil is known as compaction energy. Q.3:What is the differ...