It sounds like you have some ideas about sizing/aliasing of brushes in Procreate, along with how gestures are used to select layers. We're very happy to take this feedback on board, and we'll do our best to improve things in the future! We might be able to help with some of the ...
应该承认它们都是创建艺术品的好程序,但仍然有一些缺点。 Sketchbook 是基本的,没有大量工具 中国速写本制造商 .另一方面,Procreate 会花钱。我建议您查看 Vectornator。 Vectornator 是一款完美的矢量图形应用程序,适用于网页设计师和插画家。它非常易于使用
On your new iPad Pro M4, are these the same issues you have? (1) Reply User profile for user: Tomeitrans Tomeitrans User level: Level 1 8 points May 23, 2024 7:43 PM in response to LapizLazuli I have buy a M4 iPad , and procreate just more layer can use only, and the Ap...
1月27日 14:39 来自iPhone 12 Pro Max 已编辑 由艺术家 @THAW___ 创作的Procreate作品展现出一种宁静、深沉的美感,深深触动人心。每一幅画面都像是从我们永远无法完全记起的梦境中偷来的瞬间。Thaw 的色彩对比和强烈的轮廓感相辅相成,同时融入具有个人特色的层次感。厚重的画布和刮痕质感使作品看起来像是陈...
I love Procreate so much, having a iPad Pro with a Apple Pencil works so well with this app, the price is worth buying it. Tbh I stop using my laptop for drawing since the drawing and painting feels so natural and smooth though sometimes when I try to use the short cuts it won’t...
我购买iPad很大程度上是因为看到大神Gal Shir的iPad绘画视频,稳得不得了的一双手,以及看起来非常流畅好用的绘画App——Procreate。在大佬的光辉加成下,Procreate便也成为我最喜欢用的绘画App。 ▽ 一则Gal Shir大佬的安利。一、软件简介 Procreate是一款强大的绘画应用软件,让创意人士随时把握灵感,通过简易的操作系统,...
Procreate 3 is one of the first apps to take full advantage of iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. Procreate 3 builds on the ground-breaking features of previous Procreate releases with 16K canvas resolution on iPad Pro. Procreate 3 also introduces Quickline, a b
【绘画二】[简单厚涂黄昏]IPAD自带笔刷两步画云!! 含笑半步丁- 40.1万 播放 · 392 弹幕 32:43 「procreate」「上色及选色技巧」零基础 新手友好的上色选色技巧 详细语音讲解 (顺便有点唠叨的聊天绘画视频) Wen-wenny 2.0万 播放 · 69 弹幕 08:55 【ipadpro】剪纸风文字插画/保姆级procreate教程/ip...
To use Procreate, on an iPad Pro, you must first purchase the Procreate App through the App Store. The Procreate price is currently $12.99. Procreate can be used on iPad Pro, and a variety of other iPad models. Make sure that you are using the latest iOS version when purchasing, or up...
Chicano Tattoo Letters vol.3, Brushes for Procreate on Ipadpro, Ipad, tattoo stamps, tattoo lettering, font, alphabet, Calligraphy, graffiti Regular price $10 now $8 Sale Sketch Library 83 Ornaments Tattoo Brush set for procreate // brushes, tattoo stamps, on Ipad & Ipad pro, mandala, ...