In other words, it was a choice between movies that promised to be fun and forgettable and those that would be memorable but required more effort to absorb. After picking, the subjects had to watch one movie right away. They then had to watch another in two days and a third two days ...
In other words, you have to do deep work to get the most out of every minute. And it’s only possible if you work in a distraction-free environment. 5 . So, it would be better if you keep it silent or in flight mode. If you constantly get the urge to check your phone, you...
In other words, the reason you dislike calculus is because it's hanging over your head, worrying you. Since you haven't acquires skills in it, you can't do the assignments, so why try? Also, there's a test coming up soon, and you MUST do well on it -- except you know you can...
In other words, more rumination, less mindfulness, and less self-compassion were correlated with more procrastination. Let's start with the relationship between self-compassion and procrastination because it's both counter-intuitive and revealing. What's the first thing you do when you catch ...
However, in the first stage of the experiment, Many people choose to get a smaller amount of money at once, that is, $100, and in the second stage, they tend to wait one more day and take more than $10. In other words, when considering future events, hyperbolic discounting can make...
In other words, you'd imagine yourself walking through a place you know well, coupled with shockingly memorable images of what you want to remember. The first time you do this, it will be slow. It takes a bit of time to conjure up a solid mental image. But the more you do it, the...
=== 27.★.Fear of success :the important question for all of us is not whether we are ambivalent about success, but whether our conflict about success is so intense that it get in the way.In other words,our anxiety about being successful is unknown to us, but it was demonstrated ...
"Procrastination is the most commonmanifestationof resistance because it is the easiest to rationalize." In other words, it's the little voice in our head that gives us a thousand and one excuses, which often seem very legitimate, for not advancing our work. ...
In other words, you want to add some “fun factor” to the work that you find painful or boring to do. When something is boring and painful to you, you tend to procrastinate on it. But when something becomes fun and pleasurable, you will be more looking forward to doing it. When I...
In other words, when you don’t take care of yourself, it’s much easier to procrastinate because you’re just not up to it mentally or physically. To change that,swap out those unhealthy habits and replace them with healthier options. ...