Apple said that its upcoming iPad Pro models will feature a new display technology known as OLED, similar to what is used in its iPhones. The company noted that these tablets will offer brighter displays and more vibrant colors compared to previous models. Additionally, Apple introduced a proprie...
A mobile processor is defined as a type of processor used in mobile embedded systems, which, like desktop and server processors, can process multiple elements of data in a single instruction but requires specific code to utilize all available processors efficiently. Unlike desktop and server processo...
Apple will launch the iPhone SE2 in Q1 2020, TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said in a note Thursday. The iPhone SE2 will reportedly use the iPhone 8 body but the same A13 processor that's used in the iPhone 11.
Results cover a generic 2.66 GHz "ARM" hexa-core system-on-chip with 4GB of memory. Specifications are nearly identical to Apple's existing A12 Bionic silicon used in iPhone XR, XS and XS Max, but with more base RAM and a higher clock speed. By comparison, iPhone...
Included in the app is a comprehensive batch renaming module which can be used to rename photos, videos or any types of files. It comes with support to tag prefix, suffix, custom text and dates. The built-in Date builder lets you customise the dates to your needs. ...
Apple has brought design and development of the A11 Bionic processor even more in-house with the eradication of outside solutions, allowing the company to speed up and further integrate the new chip's various processes more than it ever has before.
Apple has acquired a fabless semiconductor company, PA Semi, according to a report at PA Semi designs energy efficient processors based on the Power architecture that Apple used in its Macintosh computers for many years before adopting Intel’s x86 chips. That gives some clue what ...
Realizing satellite communication depends on chips and signals. According to industry sources cited by IT Times, the satellite communication chip used in the Huawei Mate 60 Pro was customized for Huawei by a research institute under the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation. ...
This string is used for uniquely identifying RAW processors and possibly for debug logging but is typically not visible to users. The key is the same as for video decoders. kMEVideoDecoderCodecInfoKey: An array of one or more dictionaries describing the formats that the RAW processor support...
Huawei was able to produce its own phone processors by adapting CPU core designs that were originally used in its data centre servers, according to people with direct knowledge of its development. The strategy resembles Apple’s moves to turn its iPhone processors into chips capable of powering ...