The N400 has also been examined in relation to a number of different aspects of L2 processing. For example, recent studies have shown that during a novel language learning paradigm, the brain reveals the emergence of an N400 even when there is no observable learning in behavior (McLaughlin et...
Word pairs varying in strength of relationship were presented sequentially, to allow time for anticipation of the second word, or simultaneously. For both sorts of presentation, the amplitude of the N400 component of the event-related potential was graded from Unrelated to Moderate/Weak to Strong ...
Reaction time (RT), N400 amplitude and latency were used to examine the effect of semantic priming on lexical access of auditorily and visually presented nouns and verbs. We found that the temporal patterns of primed RTs and N400 latencies differed for nouns and verbs, indicating a functional ...
For the ErrPs at FCz, we found an initial positive peak 188 ms after error onset in all error conditions. Average amplitudes of P1 are 1.33 µV fortarget, 1.03 µV forpassive,and 0.748 µV foractive.Targeterrors (yellow) elicited a subsequent ERN at 234 ms (− 0.401 µV) ...
ERPs analyses showed no effect of pain at an early-stage processing (N400), but a larger waveform when the pain prime preceded the positive prime on the LPP. Discussion: These results reaffirm the importance that valence has in establishing the priority with which stimuli are...
(lack of Mandarin Chinese-like aspect markers) as their first language (L1). We measured event-related potentials (ERPs) time locked to the aspect markerlein two different conditions (the aspect violation sentences and the correct sentences). A triphasic ELAN-LAN-P600 effect was produced by the...
N400 components were seen in the TRF weights at later time-lags for both groups and the peak latency of this component was significantly delayed for the older group. (B) Semantic dissimilarity TRF weights averaged over parietal electrodes and across older (blue) and younger (red) subjects. ...
Source localization showed that the early stage of perception processing (N170) takes place in the fusiform gyrus and is lateralized according to the nature of stimuli (left side for words and right side for pictures). Late stages of processing (N400/P600) corresponding to recognition are ...
MVPA revealed above chance decoding performance for classifiers trained during time points of the N300 component and tested during later time points of the N400, and vice versa. This provides no evidence for the activation of two separable neurocognitive processes following the violation of context-...
1). As in many auditory studies, the N400 had a longer duration beyond the classical 300–500 ms period typical for reading studies. As visual inspection suggested a slightly earlier onset for the TL group, we analyzed 2 time-windows: 250–350 ms for the N400 onset and 350–750 ms for...