Some of the external processes that have an impact on landforms are: Denudation: Denudation is a process where the wearing away of the surface of the earth is caused due to moving water, by ice, by wind, and by waves, leading to a reduction in elevation and in relief of landforms and ...
A new technology has shed further light on the age-old question: what are the origins of life on Earth? Before life was formed on Earth, what scientists dub the pre-biotic condition, the atmosphere was less dense. This meant that high energy radiation from space was omnipresent ...
Progressive mixing of meteoritic veneer into the early Earth's deep mantle Komatiites are ancient volcanic rocks, mostly over 2.7 billion years old (from the Archaean era), that formed through high degrees of partial melting of the mantle and therefore provide reliable information on bulk mantle...
The East Pilbara Terrane is the archetypical granite-greenstone belt, the dome-like complexes of which were formed through three major magmatic events. These granite domes are comprised of metamorphosed granitic igneous rocks that exhibit a magmatic evolution from early tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite ...
Diamonds that formed deep in the Earth’s mantle contain evidence of chemical reactions that occurred on the seafloor. Probing these gems can help geoscientists understand how material is exchanged between the planet’s surface and its depths. ...
this trajectory. To do so, the terms on the right-hand side in equation (1) are integrated forward in time along the backward trajectory, from the time when the temperature anomaly of this air parcel was last zero (the ‘genesis time’,tg, of the anomalyT′(x,tX)) untiltX, that is...
2. Sill: Horizontal planes of solidified magma that run parallel to the grain of the original rock deposit 3. Batholith: Large plutonic masses of intrusive rock with more than 100 square kilometers of surface area. 4. Volcanic Pipe: If a dyke reaches the surface of the Earth it is then...
The positive feedback between oxygen levels in atmosphere and primary productivity caused progressive oxygenation in ocean–atmosphere system and enable phosphorites to be formed by different mechanisms. Results show that the Lower Doushantuo consist of abiotic intraclasts and exhibited “seawater-like” ...
Reducing smog is formed due to the presence, in high concentrations, of SO2 and soft particles in suspention (smoke) in a calm atmosphere with high humidity, at relatively low temperatures. Component substances that contribute to forming reducing smog are solid particles of soot, cenospheres, sul...
Therefore, the Wangjiangshan intrusion could be formed in island arc environment. We argue that the tearing and breakoff of subduction oceanic slab resulted in asthenosphere upwelling during the Neoproterozoic long-term subduction beneath the northern margin of Yangtze. This provided a heat source for...