select返回total number of bits set in readfds, writefds and errorfds,当timeout的时候返回0,发生错误返回-1。 注:select会更新readfds(保存ready to read的file descriptor), writefds(保存read to write的fd), errorfds(保存error的fd),且更新timeout为距离超时时刻的剩余时间。 另外,fd_set类型需要使用如...
Kdnetpf.h Wdbgexts.h 概述 BUSDATA 结构 DBGKD_GET_VERSION64结构 DEBUG_TYPED_DATA结构 EXT_TDOP枚举 EXT_TYPED_DATA结构 FIELD_INFO结构 GetCurrentProcessAddr 函数 GetCurrentProcessHandle 函数 GetCurrentThreadAddr 函数 GetDebuggerCacheSize 函数 GetDebuggerData 宏 GetExpressionEx 函数 Ge...
*/ ac = cpu_cache_get(cachep); out: /* * To avoid a false negative, if an object that is in one of the * per-CPU caches is leaked, we need to make sure kmemleak doesn't * treat the array pointers as a reference to the object. */ if (objp) kmemleak_erase(&ac->entry[ac...
Kdnetpf.h Wdbgexts.h Download PDF Learn Windows Windows Drivers API Debugger Dbgeng.h IDebugClient4 interface Save Add to Collections Add to Plan Print TwitterLinkedInFacebookEmail Article 02/22/2024 Feedback In this article Syntax Parameters ...
The batch migration to Microsoft 365 groups requires running many scripts at different points in the migration. Download the scripts and their supporting files from this location. After you download all of the scripts and files, save them to the same location, that i...
This one is tricky to get up to the word count (no longer required on IELTS) so try to make it a little wordy. Include every step in the process. 1. For the ripe tea, the loose raw tea is fermented with mold and then compressed to form the final product. 2. In terms of the ...
The CreateProcess2 method executes the given command to create a new process. Syntax C++ Copy HRESULT CreateProcess2( [in] ULONG64 Server, [in] PSTR CommandLine, [in] PVOID OptionsBuffer, [in] ULONG OptionsBufferSize, [in, optional] PCSTR InitialDirectory, [in, optional] PCSTR Environment...
@monitor_operation(activity_name="pf.connections.create_or_update", activity_type=ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def create_or_update(self, connection: _Connection, **kwargs): def create_or_update(self, connection: Type[_Connection], **kwargs): """Create or update a connection. :param connection:...
sLog.outString("OregonCore process priority class set to HIGH");elsesLog.outError("ERROR: Can't set OregonCore process priority class."); sLog.outString(); } }#endifACE_Based::Thread* soap_thread =NULL;if(sConfig.GetBoolDefault("SOAP.Enabled",false)) ...
update(1) pF.close() return newLines Example 20Source File: From core with MIT License 6 votes def process_file_field(self, field, file_attrs): if self.metadata is not None: file_mds = self.metadata.get(self.container_type, {}).get('files', []) for file_md in file_...