Selling your home may have more unexpected tasks than anticipated. Learn how to sell your house, if you should hire an agent, and when to accept an offer.
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much value or meaning to the individual that it’s not on the market. Along comes a buyer willing to pay such an outrageous price that the other party is stunned into at least consideration of selling. However, the power lies with the person who owns the object and does not wan...
Years of Experience, References and Reputation A good agent will have many sales transactions under his/her belt and years of selling real estate in the area where you wish to buy property. It is always wise o go with a well-established real estate company that has been in the area for ...
Buying or Selling a Boat? We make it easy, fast & convenient! Export Yacht Sales handles the sales process from start to finish Whether you have a boat to sell, or looking for a boat to buy, let Export Yacht Sales guide you through the boat transaction process. ...
9. Watch for the fall of the hammer Before the hammer falls on the successful bid, the auctioneer will look around and ask for other bids. The selling agent will also usually have representatives walking amongst the bidders, attempting to cajole them into going a few thousand dollars higher ...
Understand the school district you'll be moving in to. Even if you don't have children in the school system now, you may some day. The district reputation could positively or negatively impact the selling price of your future home as well. ...
The property owner is having trouble selling the home. The renter already lives there and is happy with the property, but the landlord wants to sell. The home has been on the market for some time, and a prospective buyer approaches the seller with a rent-to-own offer. ...
When setting an asking price, make sure to factor the cost of selling thepropertyinto the total amount of money you need to get out of the sale. Of course, you want to sell the home for as close to the value of your mortgage as possible, but in a down market, there is bound to ...
Buying a house can be a complicated process, one that most people are generally unprepared for and don't really understand. Within the stages of buying and selling a home—from the offer to the home inspection and getting that mortgage approval—are other actions that must happen. One of tho...