There's an opportunity for Process Lasso to market to AMD X3D owners in particular in lieu of X3D's CCD scheduling juggling (one CCD with the extra CPU cache, the other without it), particularly to gamers. I know you're surely already aware of this context/situation. I've just seen ...
这样是不是就设置成功了? sun234337636 鲤跃龙门 7 0-15是有缓存的核心 游戏直接指定在这几个核心上 KK不是我 龙之诞 1 这个u也需要这样调么 挡帖 九霄腾龙 13 直接屏蔽ccd1不就行了 sksk 或跃在渊 6 是这样的 变形金刚F91 亢龙有悔 11 你看底下那个操作日志,有记录就证明软件在做配置...
Process Lasso v14.2 enhances core selection in the CPU Affinity and CPU Sets dialogs with new controls for selecting specific CCDs on AMD processors, among other improvements.
AMD RX 7900 GREseveral NVMe SSDI recently purchased a process lasso license and enabled probalance, and the bitsum power plan.I've been playing Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, which uses Easy Anti-Cheat.I noted that after I enabled Probalance, and moved windows processes to my second ...
TheProcessor Group Extendermay be of utility on the AMD Threadripper 3990x, but should only be used in specific situations where an application needs additional CPU cores, but is not processor group aware. Otherwise, general features of Process Lasso such as ProBalance, Performance Mode, and pro...
求助processl..smt本质硬件基础都一样。。。通常偶数是物理核心。。cpu0 2 4 这样。你直接锁0-15就行了,其它让系统自己调度,amd是双前端,smt比Intel那个缩水货ht效率高多了。
壁纸引擎我也重新安装过,process lasso我卸载重装都没效果,显卡驱动重装夜没效果。崩溃了! 分享72 方舟生存进化吧 寂昀我 很急很急,白框问题,一日不解,茶饭不思这个是白框文本 大佬们救救萌新吧 Fatal error!VERSION: 336.12 ShooterGame.exe!FLatentActionManager::ProcessLatentActions() (0x00007ff67c9d7ee5)...
Process Lasso v14.2 enhances core selection in the CPU Affinity and CPU Sets dialogs with new controls for selecting specific CCDs on AMD processors, among other improvements. Read more Process Lasso 14.0 – Named CPU Affinities Process Lasso v14 introduces named CPU affinities! These make it easi...
但是在多任务分配、程序切换中极其明显地加快了反应速度。这证明Process Tamer软件不会像超线程技术那样对CPU的性能有提升,但可以达到近似于超线程技术的任务分配功能。另外,笔者在AMD平台测试的效果同样有效,也就是说,Process Tamer软件支持所有的CPU。 如今电脑升级换代太快了,刚配置好的机器,隔不几天就成了淘汰品...
I am new to Process Lasso, and I have been diving into its features to optimize my gaming PCs performance. I am running an AMD Ryzen 7 5800X with 32GB RAM and a GeForce RTX 3070; so it is a decent rig. But like most gamers; I am always on the lookout for ways to squeeze out...