Mapping:Theactivityofcreatingadetailedflowchartofaworkprocessshowingitsinputs,tasks,andactivitiesinsequence制图:创建一个显示它输入、任务和动作行为顺序的详细的流程图的行为。ContinuousImprovement持续改进 Agoodmapisthefoundationforcontinuousqualityimprovementeffortsinwhichyouanalyzeandagreeonthemostefficientroutesto...
❖Mapping:Theactivityofcreatingadetailedflowchartofaworkprocessshowingitsinputs,tasks,andactivitiesinsequence 制图:创建一个显示它输入、任务和动作行为顺序的详细的流程图的行为。ContinuousImprovement持续改进 ❖Agoodmapisthefoundationforcontinuousqualityimprovementeffortsinwhichyouanalyzeandagreeonthemostefficient...
Mapping Inputs and Outputs输入与输出(shch)制图第15页/共74页第十六页,共74页。Wash dis 3、hes洗碗Hot water热水(r shu)Soap肥皂(fizo)Sponge擦洗(c x)物品的海绵块Broom扫帚Bag/can垃圾袋或垃圾桶Inputs输入Process流程Kitchen cleaned厨房清扫干净了Output输出Sweep floor扫地Take out trash倒垃圾Map of a ...
2、sh倒垃圾Wash dishes洗碗Put Steps in Sequence 使步骤有顺序第14页/共74页Mapping Inputs and Outputs输入与输出制图第15页/共74页Wash dishes洗碗Hot water热水Soap肥皂Sponge擦洗物品的海绵块Broom扫帚Bag/can垃圾袋或垃圾桶Inputs输入Process流程Kitchen cleaned厨房清扫干净了Output输出Sweep floor扫地Take out tr...
Add details about inputs and outputs, and who is performing each task to make the process map complete. Even with a detailed view, be careful to avoid lengthy text. Instead, use color coding and symbols to convey concepts and responsible parties. ...
1. Identify Start and End points of a process.识别过程的开始和结束点.2. Create a process map that visualizes how work is done.建立怎样完成工作的可视化过程图.3. Identify the process inputs and process outputs.识别过程输入和过程输出 4. Identify waste and non-value-added process steps....
ProcessMapping过程流程图 1 学习的目标 •了解过程流程图的用途;•了解如何绘制流程图;•可以独立绘制过程流程图;2 绘制及使用时机 •新工艺或新产品;•过程发生问题;3 过程 •过程是什么?一组将输入转化为输出的相互关联或相互作用的活动。增值转化输入Inputs过程Process输出Outputs 4 过程方法...
There are several different types of process maps. Some mapping techniques include: Basic flowchartsare visual maps, which provide the basic details of a process such as inputs and outputs. Deployment maps, also known as cross-functional flowcharts, display the relationships between different teams...
Suppliers, inputs, process, outputs and customers (SIPOC) diagram.This visual representation identifies the suppliers, inputs, processes, outputs and customers that are part a process from start to finish.SIPOCdiagrams are sometimes called high-level process maps. ...
Using process maps as patterns. Some organizations think about the process as a box with inputs and outputs. The use of this method is appropriate for introducing only limited changes and enables the application of the concept of sustainable energy management. Using process maps as patterns, proce...