In a process for water treatment, the amount of hydrogen peroxide required for the oxidation of impurities is preferably continuously added to the water to be treated, depending on conductivity and/or turbidity measurements, the mixture is passed through a reactor in which it is exposed to ...
An improved process for water treatment which comprises subjecting a water to be treated to at least one treatment selected from a treatment with an aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution and that with ozone, thereby decomposing by oxidation hazardous substances including endocrine disrupters (environmental ...
average concentrations of NH~+_4-N,NO~-_2-N and COD were 0.023 mg/L, 0.004 mg/L and 1.43 mg/L,respectively in the nursery tank.The results demonstrated that the water treatment process was feasible and the recirculating system could be successfully used for seed Argopecten irradians ...
2`waterpurifier Relatedfieldsandapplicationindustry Definition Waterisanindispensablenaturalresourceforhuman development,anditisthematerialbaseforhumanbeingsand alllivingthings.Intoday'sworld,theshortageofwater resourcesandthewatercrisiscausedbypollutionhavebecome thecomplexproblemsfacedbyanycountryinpolicy,economy and...
Markets / Industrial Water Treatment & Process Treatment of water is our heritage and Italmatch is the origin of many of the chemistries that are commonly found in water treatment today. Our expertise covers all areas of water use: power stations electronics agriculture food and beverage textiles ...
In order to treat spent process water from companies of the food and beverage industries up to drinking water quality, a process concept was developed consisting of the following two treatment steps: (1) biological COD reduction using a membrane bioreactor (MBR) in which the active biomass as ...
A Free Educational Site and Professional Guide in Water Treatment, Sewage Treatment, Water Treatment Plant Design, Water Treatment Process, Water Analysis, Water Filter, Softener and more.
When significant inflow enters the sewer system, storm-water flows should be included in wastewater treatment plant design. Once, all the above data is calculated, the following equation is used to estimate the total anticipated flow to the sewage plant: ...
The invention concerns a process for treatment of, in particular, waste waters from the pulp and paper industry. The invention also relates to a flocculating adjuvant used in the process. According to the invention, in the primary clarification stage, the waste water is admixed with biosludge ...
Small, rural drinking water treatment (DWT) plants typically use only chlorine to implement the disinfection process. For these plants, free chlorine residual (FCR) serves as a key performance measure for disinfection. The FCR is stated as the concentration of free chlorine remaining in the water,...