A green card can open up many opportunities, including clearing your path toward U.S. citizenship. After you have received your green card and are beginning to approach your eligibility date for citizenship, we can also help you through this process. Don’t hesitate to get started on the pat...
We may also use your information for equal opportunity monitoring, statistical monitoring, and for making certain regulatory disclosures as required by law. We consider the use of your personal information for the above purposes to be necessary for us to process your application, create a ...
US Citizenship Testimonies Links Contact Spanish Русско German ItalianINTERNATIONAL COUNSEL, PLC is a full service immigration law firm headquartered in San Diego, California with a second office location in the West Hollywood area of Los Angeles, California. Our firm specializes in immigra...
Thai Immigration has recently changed the rules for visa issuance. Thai Business visa extensions are now more difficult to obtain read more Buy a Condo / House There has never been a better time to invest in Thai Real Estate. The Process of obtaining aK1 visafor a Thai fiance is time cons...
citizenship. Your physical green card will be mailed to the U.S. address you put on your application. This can take up to 3 months, but you are allowed to remain in the United States and to work for U.S. employers in the meantime. Learn about checking your green card status. In ...
Why apply for a US Green Card? Being a citizen of the United States offers numerous benefits, including: These are just some of the benefits that come with obtaining a Green Card. A person who has received a Green Card will also enjoy all the rights and privileges of any other US citi...
Who can apply for permanent residence in Shanghai? The eligibility criteria for obtaining permanent residency in China vary from region to region. Big cities like Shanghai and Beijing adopt additional policies thatexpandthe eligibility criteria and shorten the overall application time. Shanghai, as th...
Contact Us The K3 Visa Process The K3 Visa Process is something of an amalgamation of the processes for obtaining a K1 visa and a Classic I-130 Marriage Visa. For a classic marriage visa, the petitioner files an I-130 petition for his Thai wife and awaits adjudication of the application...
known as the Naturalization Process. N400 applications for naturalization forms are controlled and managed by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. Once citizenship is obtained, you, as a citizen of the After obtaining citizenship, you, as a American citizen will have rights that ...
US Green Card Waiting Time Based on Pending Applications Immigration Path: Steps for an F1 Visa to Become U.S. Citizenship How EB Green Card Spill Over between EB1, EB2, EB3, EB4 5and EB5 works Sandra Paul May 15, 2019 at 11:06 AM ...