Our Florida divorce lawyers know what it takes to get you the results you want in your divorce. Let us walk you through the process – call now for a consultation!
How to file for divorce in FloridaThere’s a 30-day simplified divorce process for couples who agree on terms, do not have dependent children, and have no alimony involved. Otherwise, contact the local court clerk’s office for information on the state’s four types of divorce....
assist individuals seeking service of process at prisons, correctional facilities, and to and for incarcerated individuals. You can rely on any Process Server listed in our directory to handle your needs, whether it's serving divorce papers, custody documents, or any other type of civil law suit...
The local Jacksonville, Florida company you can depend on... [ index.htm ][Instructions.htm][Services.htm][Quick Divorce.htm] 48 hour service guaranteed - every job is a RUSH. Many jobs started the same day. ** (48 hours after the day of receipt ) If you...
Process servers can serve many different types of papers for course cases. Some of the different types of documents that could be served include writs, subpoenas, complaints, and summonses. The job might also require serving civil summons, civil complaints, garnishments, divorce papers, child supp...
Private Investigator Process Server Lance Casey was paid $600 for this hard to serve stake out.What Kind of Papers Does a Process Server Serve?Process servers serve small claims papers, divorce papers, subpoenas, complaints & summons, child custody papers, child custody papers & lawsuit papers....
While some argue eService is more effective than service by publication but, before it can be used, it must be proven that the defendant actually uses whatever account is being used for eService.What mediums can be used to electronically serve?
Most of the services offered by a Fort Lauderdale Process Server are as follows: court filings, document retrieval and copying, evictions, three day notices, five day notices, fourteen day notices, serving a petition for divorce or modifications, skip tracing, public records search, subpoena ...
South Florida is notorious for con artists and generally cunning people who can easily take advantage of you. From that special someone whose activities just aren't adding up lately to someone you just met who seems too good to be true! Or perhaps it’s a new hire for the business you'...
Additionally, you will be able to find petitions for divorce and small claims forms.If you are in need of process server, you may begin your search by visiting the ServeNow.com home page or you can use the search utility at the top of the page....