ProcessFlowDiagramTraining培训教程文件.ppt,3/9/2000 apqpaqepres2.ppt Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Characteristics Deployment Background “Hidden Factory” issues continually affect Delphi’s quality performance and remains essentially undocumented Rework p
Learn more about how PPAP fits into APQP. Download a Free PPAP Template What’s Included: PPAP Excel Template with worksheets for the following elements: 4 DFMEA 5 Process Flow Diagram 6 PFMEA 7 Control Plan 8 Gauge R&R 9 Dimensional Results ...
Process Flow Flow CHART, Preliminary Process Description of anticipated manufacturing process developed from preliminary bill of material and product/process assumptions. (P10 #1.10 APQP) & (P104 APQP) Flow DIAGRAM, Process Depicts the flow of materials through the process, including any rework or ...
生产件批准程序Production Part Approval Process 第三版.ppt,生产件批准程序 Production Part Approval Process 第三版 生产件批准程序(PPAP)规定了生产件批准的一般要求,包括生产和散装材料(见术语)。 PPAP的目的是用来确定供方是否已经正确理解了顾客工程设计记录和
The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) helps ensure a supplier’s manufacturing process consistently produces parts that meet your design specifications. PPAP is one of the core tools within Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP), a structured approach to designing, developing, and launching qua...
During "Prototype" and "Pre-Production" Program Management Phases, prior to serial production shipments, APQP documents like, for e.g., Process Flow Diagram, Design and/or Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (D/PFMEA), Controls Plans, Measurement System Analysis (MSA), Inspection Reports,...
process (APQP). The purpose of the PPAP process is to ensure that suppliers of components • comply with the design specification and • can show documentary evidence that the level can be maintained during the life of the product
Process Flow, Control Plan, Operator Instructions, etc Degree to which high RPN’s are addressed with preventive strategies Action Plans assigned, implemented, effectiveness assessed and RPN recalculated Use A-7 Process FMEA checklist in APQP manual RPN = 504 Task 15: PPAP DFMEA Assess feasibility...
TaskDescription •ProductionPartApprovalProcess(PPAP)•Productionpartsaremanufacturedattheproductionsiteusingproductiontooling,gaging,equipment,operators,etc •Partsfromproductionrunareanalyzed •TestresultsandrecordsfromAPQParesubmittedwithPartSubmissionWarrant 20-Sep-99 Task15:PPAP 3 20-Sep-99 Purpose Forthe...