制作过程流程图PROCESS FLOW CHART.pdf,i I Flowcharting: Drawing a Process Picture INTRODUCTION One picture is worth a thousand words. If we may modify this age-old proverb and expand it a litde to cover your business pro- cesses, it might read, A flowchar
chart工艺流程flowassycust版次 PROCESSFLOWCHART 工艺流程图 CUSTCODE/顧客代號 ASSYNAME/產品名稱 TQC#/TQC編號 PAGE1OF3 ISSUER/編寫 第1頁,共3頁 kyzheng/郑锋 CUSTASSY.#/顧客產品代號 FLEXASSY#/產品編號 PROCESSID/工序 REV./版次 DATE/日期 Processflowchart/工艺流程 01 文件号: RECEIVING 進料 MAINSTORE...
Process flow chart 工艺流程图.pdf 热度: CQ-PLUS-FR-O4-36-CH,E/REV012005.05page1of1 工序序 步移动停留检验序关键特性控制 骤号号KeyProductionCharacteristic号KeyCharacteristicControl 工艺流程图PROCESSFLOWCHART 过程责任部门Process responsibilityDepartment: ...
Process flow chart 工艺流程01 文件号 A Rework 返工 AOI AOI检 1 1 QA AUDIT 品管審查 120 S QA AUDIT 品管審查 Pre reflow Inspection 回流前检查 100130 AOI failed Verification AOI失败检查 S S Pass 合格 Pass 合格 Rject 不合格 Pass 合格 160 S 150 Manual Insert 手工插件 MRB Scrap 报废 S S ...
Process-Flow-Chart.doc_pdfcvt S A N M I N A SEVEN TOOLS OF QUALITY (part 2)PROCESS FLOW CHARTS TL- 121-514 Rev. A 1 DATE: 12/23/98 Proprietary Property of Sanmina
内容5.production process flow chart生产流程图.pdf,计划产量 型号 R024501L-N S048DO 最大产量 2400 平衡率 制表: 2015.12.22 (套) 相关机型 PCB6046,48W 工作时间(H) 8 每小时最大产量 300 88.89% 审核: 工作表 组装 目标周期时间(S) 7.5 标准工时总计 96.0 标准工时
Process Flow Chart 下载积分: 100 内容提示: Company:DATE : 16/3/99ACTIVITIES : Making a cup of coffeeSTART : Prepare the cup TIME(min/sec) TIME(min/sec) TIME(min/sec)END : A cup of coffee delivered to customerFINAL OUTPUT : A cup of hot coffeeCUSTOMER : The one who drink the ...
1、表单Form表单编号:FM0010A0工艺流程图ProcessflowchartNo.页码: 1/1海海宁宁瑞瑞宏宏科科技技有有限限公公司司Page1of1客户/Customer:深圳摩比图纸版本/RVE:A零件号(料号)版本号/PartNo.89010326编制日期/Datewrite:2018.6.4零件描述(品名)/Description:嵌入式隔离器修改日期/Setdate:流程图解/Narration制制造造/MFG...
Process Flowcharts are used in process engineering and chemical industry where there is a requirement of depicting relationships between major components only and not include minor parts. Process Flowcharts for single unit or multiple units differ in their structure and implementation. ConceptDraw PRO ...
Flow chart Example. Warehouse Flowchart Warehouse Flowcharts are various diagrams that describe the warehousing and inventory management processes on the warehouses. Typical purposes of Warehouse Flowcharts are evaluating warehouse performance, measuring efficiency of customer service and organizational performanc...