环境:Windows11,Windows10,Windows8,Windows7 9.5 0%0% 详情介绍 Process Explorer是一款增强型的任务管理器,你可以使用它方便地管理你的程序进程,能强行关闭任何程序(包括系统级别的不允许随便终止的“顽固”进程)。除此之外,它还详尽地显示计算机信息:CPU、内存使用情况,DLL、句柄信息,很酷的曲线图... 此为最新...
Completed 100 XP 2 minutes The Process Explorer and Process Monitor tools are part of the Windows Sysinternals tool suite:Process Explorer. Enables you to determine the currently active processes on a Windows computer, and depending upon mode: Enables you to see the handles that...
Symptoms You have a Windows Explorer shell extension that is developed by the Microsoft Foundation Class library (MFC). The shell extension is hosted in Windows Explorer. However, the Explorer.exe process stop...
1% 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 閱讀英文 13 中的 7 個單位 Completed100 XP 2 minutes The Process Explorer and Process Monitor tools are part of the Windows Sysinternals tool suite: Process Explorer. Enables you to determine the currently active processes on a Windows computer, and ...
You have a Windows Explorer shell extension that is developed by the Microsoft Foundation Class library (MFC). The shell extension is hosted in Windows Explorer. However, the Explorer.exe process stops respond...
Svchost通过为这些系统服务调用动态链接库(DLL)的方式来启动系统服务。在xp中此进程一般有四个以上。 4.explorer它的作用是用于控制Windows图形,包括开始菜单、任务栏,桌面和文件管理。此进程是一个用户进程,但是对于大多数的用户而言是离不开它的 在98系统中它是必须的,但是在2000/xp中,没有它你照样能使用电脑。
That's annoying since I choose to always launch Process Explorer in administrator mode with Windows compatibility settings, so since I can't get back the process explorer in foreground by clicking on one of the vanished tray icons, I have to relaunch it from the exe, then confirm again the...
有用户反馈:自己xp系统电脑安装了ProcessExplorer,使用系统卸载后,无法确定ProcessExplorer是否依然存在残留文件,想了解是否有更方便简单的方法,能确保ProcessExplorer可以彻底卸载清除,由于担心如果存在卸载不了或者卸载有残留的话,会占电脑内存,影响电脑性能。 金山毒霸软件管家为您提供提供方便,简单的ProcessExplorer卸载方案...
Release Information License: Freeware Price: Free Current Version: File Size: 1.27 MB Release Date: Oct. 10, 2016 Operating System: Designed for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, 2000, XP, Vista. 32/64bit version. Download Now Screenshot Show Details of Running Processes End a Process ...
Updates: Process Explorer v12.01Article 04/01/2010 Process Explorer v12.01: This update fixes a bug that prevented DEP status being shown on Windows XP and the threads page of the process properties dialog from showing service names on Windows Vista....